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"Wormtail no offense but last time I asked for help you gave me a cheese basket," James said.

"Prongs I promise I can do better! And maybe she'll go for it!" Peter trailed after James until he gave in.

"Fine, what's the plan?"


Sirius came up and gave James a sorrowful look. "Sorry mate." He wound up his arm and without warning socked James right in the mouth. His lip burst and his mouth gushed blood.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He used his tie to soak up the blood while Remus jumped up to get him a towel. "Why would you do that?"

"Because it's part of the plan!" Peter said.

"What kind of plan is this?"

"A good one." Peter took the towel from James's hand and shoved him out of the dorm locking him out.

"PETER!" James banged on the door but nothing happened. He touched his lip which was still bleeding heavily. "Fuck." He wandered down the staircase still using his tie as a cloth.

"Bloody Hell!" Lily exclaimed. "What happened to you?"

James looked up and faintly smiled at the beauty in front of him before wincing from the pain. "Sirius punched me."


"I dunno."

"Sit." James obliged and Lily conjured a towel and dipped it into her glass of water and began to heal his wound. "You bruise easily."

"That's what Sirius said when he pinched me once and it left a huge red mark on my arm. OW OW OW."


"You're good at this."

"Well I do spend a lot of time up there with accident prone Marlene."

She cleaned up the bloody and around the mouth and gave him the damp towel. "Here keep it on until the swelling goes down."

"Does this count as our first date?"

"Keep on dreaming Potter."

"I'm counting it."



"It's not a date."

"I think it is."

"It's a coincidence."

"Eh, I coincidence date, there's not much of a difference."

Lily rolled her eyes and gave up. There was no use arguing because it would never end. "I'm leaving."

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