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It was Sirius and Marlene's first official date and to make it less awkward, Sirius persuaded James to be his wingman and Lily had come to support Marlene. They took a booth near the back in the dimly lit restaurant. There were multiple couples and a few families scattered about, but they ignored the students. 

Lily shivered under the vents, she only wore a t-shirt and her skin was lined with goosebumps. But being himself, James already knew what to do and was quick to jump into action. 

"Here," James shrugged off his hoodie and handed it to her to put on. "You looked cold."

Lily kindly took it, even though it was nearly twice her size and then some. "Thanks."

"Of course." 

Marlene looked at Sirius and shivered, running her hands on her arms to warm them. "It's a bit cold in here, isn't it?" Sirius wasn't paying attention but scanning the menu and playing with his hair. Lily kicked Sirius's foot and startled him. "I said, it's a cold in here."

"Well damn Marlene, I don't control the weather!" he exclaimed. 

James rolled his eyes and Lily face palmed. It would be a long night...

"Give her your jacket," Lily mouthed across the table. 

"But I'm cold too." James kicked his leg and he reluctantly took off his jacket and wrapped it over Marlene's shoulder. 

After they got their food, the mood seemed to ease up. Conversation flowed between Marlene and Sirius leaving James and Lily to each other. Lily could feel the connection, though she tried her best to push away the feeling that kept popping up. 

"I need to use the little witches room," Marlene said getting up. "Lily?"James slid out and allowed Lily to exit with Marlene. When they made it to the bathroom, Marlene leaned against the sinks. "Tonight has gone so amazingly. And I couldn't help but notice you and James getting all cozy." 

Lily blushed and averted her eyes. "Cozy? No. We're just two friends accompanying our best friends on their first date."

Marlene couldn't contain her eye roll, "If you need to clarify it, then obviously something is going on...I'll see you back out there. Oh, and Sirius and I are going to be leaving sometime on our own and I expect you to make a move on him. We both know the snitch is in your reach."

Lily stared in the mirror after Marlene left. She was just talking a load of dung. Messing with her head, that's all. She didn't know what she was saying. Lily walked back out to see Sirius and James paying for the dinner. And as expected, Sirius and Marlene ran off together leaving her and James. 

"Smitten, aren't they?" James said holding the door open. 

"Yes, very much."

"You know if we were dating we'd be snogging right now. Even though were not dating, I'm still fine with the after plans."

Lily pushed him away and laughed, "The only thing those lips are going to kiss tonight is McGonagall's arse when she finds out we snuck out."

James wrapped his arm around her as they headed back to Honeyduke's cellar, but Lily grabbed his hand and removed it from her shoulder only for him to put it right back. Eventually she gave in and let him be.

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