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SO SORRY I haven't uploaded in forever. Finals week has been insane and I've been so busy. Hope y'all understand. XO -G


"Some boys are so picky," Marlene said in a huff. She had been on this rant the past few minutes since she overheard some boys talk about the girls they'd date.

"Come on McKinnon," Sirius said rolling his eyes, "Girls are ten times pickier! If we do one thing wrong we're a pig or childish."

"He's got a point," James said, "girls are harsh. I mean if our eyes are the wrong color we're not compatible or whatever."

"But boys are always saying what they'd change about a girl to make them hotter."

"Well you do that too."

"I wouldn't change a thing about Lily," James said winking at Lily across the room. "Well maybe her last name."

Lily rose an eyebrow, "What's wrong with Evans?"

"It's not Potter."

"And won't ever be."

"It'll happen one day Lily, I promise you."

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