"You look so pretty," Hermione compliments.

"Ginny? Will you please sit down for just a minute?" Mum asks, getting one of her bags.

I obey her and take my seat. She rummages in a bag and then takes and old-looking box out of the bag. She returns to me and I watch her in the reflection.

She carefully places a tiara in my hairdo. She takes a look at me and sniffs.

"It was Muriel's. She left if for you but she asked me to give it to you when the moment was right," Mum dabs her tears with a handkerchief.

"Eet looks even better on you zan eet deed on me!" Fleur smiles, looking at me through the reflection.

I give my sister-in-law a hug and I give Mum one too, seeing the state she's in.

Mum takes the camera out of the bag and takes a picture of me.

"And now for us!" Erin exclaims, looking at the time.

Mum and Fleur help the others before getting ready themselves.

After about an hour, we're all ready. The good thing is is that Minerva arranged for the train to be stationed near the castle for once so we wouldn't have to walk so far.

I open a curtain and see the beloved castle which had once been my home and where I had fallen in love with Harry.

I look at the grounds on which rows and rows of benches have been set. There are white banners and balloons. Everything is ready for the ceremony. Even the people, probably most of them because I do notice quite some spare chairs, are here.

I look up at the castle and wonder where Harry will be. He, Ron and Neville stayed in the castle for the night.

Mum and Fleur wish me luck and then leave. I'm left with Hermione, Erin and Luna and we're all very quiet.

Every now and then, I peek out of the window and look at the group of people and the beautiful white banners.

"No peeking now," Hermione scolds softly, closing the curtain again.

"Just a few more minutes," Luna says cheerfully.

"I'd better go then. See you soon," Hermione gives me a hug and leaves.

"B-bye," I croak, unable to find my voice. I think the nerves are really getting to me.

I take a deep breath and look at my two bridesmaids, who both look amazing.

"You'll be fine," Erin assures me.

"Maybe you should have had some Gurdyroot tea. It helps with the nerves," Luna says happily.

"Thank you Luna but I'll be fine, just like Erin said," I smile.

"They're ready," Erin beams, holding the door open.

I step down and wait for the other two. They pick up the hem of my dress so it doesn't get too dirty from the ground.

"Go on," Erin whispers, giving me a friendly nudge.

I see Dad waiting for me at the beginning of the white carpet. He smiles at me and I take his arm.

The music starts and Luna and Erin follow us. I hear gasps and (probably) Mum sniffing.

~ Our Story ~  (In those 19 years)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora