The others also wish me a good night and they start to get ready for bed too.

I hear them whispering but I slowly loose consciousness and enter a world that is entirely my own.

When I wake, I see that no one else is awake yet. It's still dark outside so I guess it isn't even 7 a.m yet.

I decide to take a stroll down the train, to watch the sun rise. I don't think the train left before I fell asleep because it's a seven hour train ride, I fell asleep around ten and we still haven't arrived yet.

I open a compartment door and enjoy the fresh air, entering the room by an open window. The nice summer breeze wakes me up a little bit more. I watch the mountains until I hear the door slide open. To my surprise, Fleur takes a seat too and looks out of the window.

"I'm guessing you cooldn't sleep anymore?" Fleur smiles.

"No, I'm just too excited," I reply, still enjoying he view.

"I remember my wedding day too. Eet was amazing and I was just as excited as you are now," Fleur says softly.

"What did it feel like, after you and Bill got pronounced bonded for life?" I ask her.

"Zat ees for you to find out," Fleur smiles.

"What time is it actually?" I ask my sister-in-law again.

Fleur looks at her watch and looks shocked.

"Eet ees time for you to 'ave breakfast and for me to wake ze ozzers," Fleur says, holding the door open for me.

"Breakfast? What about you?"

"Don't worry about us. We'll manage for a few 'ours wizout! We don't 'ave to stand for 'ours and wait to be bonded for life. Besides, we 'ave to get everytheeng ready," Fleur says, pointing at the compartment where I had joined Professor Slughorn quite a few years ago.

After having breakfast, I return to the others and they start. Mum washes my face and Hermione carefully combs my hair. Luna starts on the flower bouquet and Erin starts painting my nails.

When Mum and Hermione finish, Erin casts a spell so my white nail polish dries instantly.

Fleur takes Mum's spot and gently turns my head towards her. She curls my lashes and applies mascara. If I cry today and Harry catches me, I will be able to use the excuse about being allergic.

Fleur also conceals the bags and puts some eyeshadow on my eyelids. She finishes by contouring, or something like that, and a nude-colour lipstick.

"Now Erin, eet ees your turn to do ze 'air," Fleur smiles proudly and stands up.

Mum has unfortunately turned the mirror around so I can't see what is going on. I can, however, feel Erin often tugging at my hair but also apologising.

After what seemed like ages, Erin pronounces my hair finished and puts some kind of hairspray on my hair. Mum finally turns the mirror around and my jaw drops when I see myself. I remember telling the girls not to overdo it. Fleur's precise work is amazing and the hair, where do I begin? It's a bun, like the loose ones I do, but lower and with a twist and... I can't describe it but it really is gorgeous. (see image)

When I stand up, Hermione holds the dress out to me. I take it from her and walk into the 'changing room'. I step into the dress and fasten the clip myself, now I don't have Harry.

I walk back into the room and I hear gasps from different people. Mum starts to sob and Hermione looks like she's on the verge of tears too.

"Magnifique! Formidable! Splendide!" Fleur exclaims in French.

~ Our Story ~  (In those 19 years)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum