Chapter 70 It Was an Easy Day

Start from the beginning

"Aw Mom," Shawn mocked doing the same thing.

"Will you stop copying me," I laughed. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Probably not."

* I climbed out of the pool hearing my phone on the table

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I climbed out of the pool hearing my phone on the table. I looked at it and saw I had an incoming phone call from Johnson. My head kept telling me not to answer it since it's going to be about Jack and Madison and I don't want to have to deal with drama, but my heart knows I need to be a good friend like he was for me.

"Hello?" I asked walking up the stairs to Shawn's room.

I slowly moved as Johnson started to speak. "So Madison took another pregnancy test and it was positive."

I sat down on the bed hoping none of it was true since she's not even 18 years old. She's too young to have a baby never mind Jack's baby.

"Was he there when she peed on the test?" I asked still not believing it. I then moved to the ground where my suit case was, and started unzipping it.

"Well she called him when she was peeing on it, and he drove over there to see the sign," Johnson replied.

I let out a deep breath, and held the orange bottle filled with white circular pills in it. I opened the cap and took one out as I thought about it all.

"She could of faked it if he wasn't there Jack! Does he not realize that? She is so fucking shady," I told him. I took the water on the night stand and took the pill.

"I told him that, but he yelled at me. He just kept saying 'I've trust her' and 'this is my baby I'll take care of.' He's under her trance again." I took a deep breath hearing Jack say all of this. "But at the same time he's a complete wreck. It's all piling on him."

I stared off at the wall thinking. When Shawn broke up with me I was a mess, and the first person I ran to was Jack. He helped me, and then when Shawn started dating 'the girl' Jack helped me through it too. Now he is going through a break up which happened because his girlfriend cheated which he caught her in the act of and she's also pregnant, yet I take a vacation still. It isn't fair to him.

"Okay keep me updated I'll see you guys in three days. Are you still picking us up from the airport?" I asked Jack.

"Yeah in three days little Espinosa. Catch you later."

I hung up my phone, and started changing into sweatpants. I lied they are actually Shawn's sweatpants. I grabbed my t-shirt and slipped it over my wet hair.

Shawn came into the room drying off his hair with his towel. I brushed mine out and put it into a braid.

"Who was that?" Shawn asked.

"It was Johnson calling me about Jack. Madison's pregnancy test came back positive, but jack wasn't there to see it. We think she's lying, but he believes her," I told him.

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