It doesn't take long until most of the DA members, excluding the ones Mum and probably Harry didn't invite, have arrived. I greet them all and thank them for the gifts. Apparently Dean was invited  too but he told me that he knows I'm happy with Harry and that he's glad that I'm happy. Soon enough, I've already started a conversation with Padma about Quidditch and her Healer training. I also tell her about Harry, who is doing so incredibly well with his training that he's been accepted into his next year of training, as one of the best from their group.

"No surprises there though! After all the DA meetings, you wouldn't say he isn't experienced," Padma says to which Parvati agrees.

"I know, Harry's been working hard and- " I say before Harry interrupts me.

"Talking about me are you?"

"Just telling them about how well you're doing at the Ministry," I assure him, to which he smiles.

"Oh fine, I'll leave you three to it then," Harry says, leaving again.

By the time everyone has arrives, Mum brings out the cake and everyone starts singing again. If I wasn't blushing enough when everyone was singing, I sure was when I couldn't manage to blow out all the candles.

Everyone cheers by the time I do manage and Harry also hands me Teddy so he can get us a slice of cake and a drink.

"Are you liking it Ted?" I ask him.

"Yup," Teddy replies, looking around.

"You can walk a little when there are less people, just not now," I tell him, knowing he likes to run or crawl around all the time.

"Ah Ginny, 'Appy Birthday ter yeh," Hagrid says, taking a bite of the cake.

"Thanks Hagrid! How's everything going at Hogwarts?" I ask him, still waiting for Harry to return with the cake.

"Good! I'm guessing the third years 're likin' me lessons, 'cause they're always askin' me tear show 'em more," Hagrid tells me, smiling.

"That's great!" I say, truly happy for Hagrid.

"Hey Hagrid! It's good to see you!" Harry says while joining us and giving me my cake. I put Teddy on a chair but I don't think he'll stay there very long.

" 'Ey 'Arry, good ter see yeh too," Hagrid says happily.

"I was just telling Charlie that he still has to tell you something," Harry tells Hagrid, looking at Charlie, who's also enjoying his cake.

"Well, I'm 'ready curious 'bout what he has ter say," Hagrid looks excited.

We have quite an interesting conversation until I realise that Teddy's gone. I quickly leave Harry and Hagrid to find him.

After searching everywhere outside, I make my way to the house until I see Luna holding him.

"I think you lost someone," Luna says, tickling Teddy.

"Thank you Luna, I was already a little worried," I say, letting out a breath.

"Don't worry, he's fine now, I found him while looking at your Gnomes," Luna explains, handing Teddy to me again.

"Anyway, thank you," I say, as we both turn in a different direction.

"Edward, please don't go wondering again," I tell Teddy sternly, hoping he realises what he did wasn't acceptable.

Teddy looks at me as if he's about to cry. I embrace him and whisper, "I was just worried, you gave me quite a scare. I don't want to lose you."

"Kay," Teddy whispers back.

"Thank you Teddy. Do you want to see Grandma?" I ask him, spotting Andromeda.

He nods so I make my way over to Andromeda.

"So Ginny, how have you been?" she asks when I take the seat next to her.

"Fine! Training has been hard work but I enjoy Quidditch so I don't mind as much. What about you?" I ask her.

"Not too bad. I'm excited for Teddy to come again but I know he really enjoys being here," Andromeda says, smiling at both me and Teddy.

"Please just tell us if you want to see him more often, we don't mind!" I quickly say, feeling a little bad.

"No, don't worry, really. Besides, I don't want him to-- never mind," Andromeda looks at the ground.

"It'll be fine! I'll leave Teddy here with you if you don't mind. He may be a little tired because he didn't want his afternoon nap," I inform her, standing up and placing Teddy on my seat.

"Thank you Ginny. You're such a beautiful young woman and I don't think I'll ever meet someone else like that," Andromeda compliments.

"Thank you," I say, giving her a hug.

"You're welcome, now off you go, you don't want to spend your birthday chatting with an old lady," Andromeda jokes.

I laugh and leave her. I decide join a group of people, with whom I immediately start a conversation again.

Soon enough, most of the people thank me for the great day and start to leave. The sun is already going down and it's a beautiful sight. I sigh and join the little group of people who are left. Hagrid says his goodbyes and then also leaves.

"Do you care to take a walk?" Harry asks, looking at me.

"Sure," I say, accepting his offer and taking his hand.

We walk for a while until we reach the bench, at the end of the forest.

Harry sits down and I follow his example. Together we sit there in silence, enjoying the sunset. The colours are just so amazing. The dark and light blue, mixing with the orange and red. I could sit here for ages but unfortunately, sunsets usually fade into darkness rather quickly.

"It's so beautiful," I say, breaking the silence.

"I know. And so are you," Harry says smiling.

"Thank you," I thank him for the hundredth time today.

"You're welcome," Harry says, fiddling with his thumbs nervously.

When we get up to leave, something happens. Something I've been dreaming of since Mum started reading stories about The-Boy-Who-Lived. Harry gets on one knee and utterly surprises me. I cover my mouth with my hands in shock.

"Ginny Weasley, I know it took me a long time to realise I had feelings for you. Of course, Ron being your brother and my best friend, didn't help. Hermione, however, encouraged me and I remember her saying that you had gotten over me. I was a little hurt and jealous when you started dating Dean but I'm not anymore. You have helped me see not just the dark but also the light in this world. I'm a happy man right now but would you make me even happier by becoming my wife?"

I feel tears leaking from my eyes but I don't care, not at the moment. I just keep nodding until I've finally found my voice again.


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