We walked over to one of the tables, and we ordered coffee with some sandwich. Awkward silence.

“So, um, you forgive me?” I asked hesitantly.

“The hell I do! Let’s face it, we both were wrong. If my dad and your brother fight, why the hell should we get influenced?” he banged the table and cursed under his breath. Bad day at practice, huh. I get grumpy or tired after a long day at practice, he gets short tempered and violent. Not towards humans but towards things, thankfully.

He was right. Even if entire India- of one point two billion people- was fighting over team SRK or team SK, we didn’t have to go separate ways. We were friends, and friendship needed something much worse to end.

“You got that weird lecture from your dad too?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Yup. He told me to wait inside patiently, and briefed me about how they two had a small conversation over text about us two missing each other’s company. They are still holding grudge against each other. But he said they weren’t enemies, but not friends anymore, too.”

“Good to know. The media has been spreading crazy rumors about them both wanting to kill each other.” I recalled a report I read about them being blood sworn enemies and shit. Melodramatic.

“Media. Do they have any brains? People change, relationships change. It’s normal, but the media has to blow it out of proportion.” See, short tempered? I was pretty sure someone stalked him to his training center and clicked snaps of him. He hates people sneaking in photos. Like absolutely hated it.

He sat in silence again as I took a sip of my Mocha.

“So dude, you are always on fire against China, or it was a special day?” apparently he was aware about our win against China. Oh great, just great.

“I’m a gymnast. We are supposed to be on fire every day.”

“Yeah. Same here. My body is so damn sore right now, you have no idea.”

“Oh I have a good idea, believe me.” I mumbled back and he chuckled.

“My ass of a coach decided it would be cool if he made us do two hundred crutches, make us run ten-twelve miles and then lift weights.”


“Yeah. It sucked.”

“You know, we have this new coach Dimitri?”

“Yep, the one who replaced that Trevor dude?”

“Yup. He made us clean all the mats. Like the elite team, cleaning the whole damn gym. Torture technique.”

“Oh geez. Please do me a favor and don’t let him meet my coach. If he picks up his style…don’t even want to imagine.”

We spoke about the most random stuff in the world for about an hour. It included his new school, and how he hadn’t been there due to nationals coming up in Taekwondo. About my school I hadn’t stepped in for more than a month. About his sister growing up too fast. Honestly, he was gonna be an overprotective brother, I was sure of it. Just like my brothers. Poor girl, I knew exactly how it is to have overprotective brothers. I had it worse- times three.

When the cheque arrived, we both tossed money and started to bicker.

“Hon, guys pay.”

“It wasn’t a date. I pay.”

“Date or no, guys have all the right in the world to pay.”

“Oh no, they don’t. Don’t argue with me, I’ll pay.”

“Don’t make me use my Taekwondo and shut you and then haul you over my shoulder. If you pay, I will do that.”

“Then I will kick your ass, gymnast style.”

“Whatever, you can’t fight the national champion.”

“Ofcourse I can. I’m the one who beat Jing Wei.”

“You don’t have a beam here.”

“Good, floor is my plus point.”

“One more word and I will never let you step inside this café.” Said the manager, his voice dominant over ours. We’d known him since years, he loved to pamper us. He’d give us free candies as kids, and sometimes chat with us. But now, he was dead serious.

“My treat.” He smiled, and we both snapped back instantly.


“What is wrong with you? I hadn’t seen you guys in ages! I’m just happy to get my regular customers back. It’s. My. Treat.”

“No, it’s not.”

“I agree with him.”

Seeing no other option, we decided to go Dutch and pay fifty percent each. I didn’t really like the idea, I wanted to give Aryan a treat to celebrate my win and us finally being on talking terms again, but no way we were gonna accept the treat form the manager. Defeated, the manager hugged us goodbye, and handed us some chocolates. Ofcourse, he’d never let us go without giving us something.

“Oh geez, it’s raining.” I grimaced as we headed out. I hated anything dull and moist. And rains in Mumbai were long and boring. I loved heavy showers, but just drizzles were not my thing. With only one man with camera, we got into his car quickly. Tyson and Aryan’s bodyguard were in the front, while we both shared the backseat. He dropped me off at my place, and then went his own way.


I hate it when me and my friends fight!! Pathetic! :'(

Scattered - Tangled series (Overprotective famous brothers)Where stories live. Discover now