Youth Of The Night (Chapter 1)

Start from the beginning

Ali walked to her first class, she had English 3, which was mainly a junior class. She noticed her best friend Bethany sitting in the back, beside her was a free seat. Ali took the chance to stake her claim to the seat, throwing her messenger back on the top of the desk.

"What's up Ali?" Bethany asked playfully, she was one of the prettiest girls in school, though she didn't see it, her hair was naturally golden blonde and she had big chocolate brown eyes. The only problem that Ali had with her best friend, she was human. It made life really difficult not being able to share that part of her life with her, thankfully that is what she always relied on her cousins for, but now that their gone to school, who was she going to turn to?

"Not much, Bethy. Just walked to the twins to get their schedules."

"How are they handling it?" Bethany asked sweetly.

"Poor Ash, she's freaking out a bit, and well you know Doyle, he's amp up to see some "HOT OLDER" chicks." Ali rolled her eyes.

Just then the Coach Nelson, the teacher, walked in the room, yeah that's right a coach was the English teacher, everyone took their seats and he began taking attendance. As the teacher was half way through the names the door flew open and in walked the sexiest man Ali had ever seen, from his perfectly disheveled spiky brown hair to his ice blue eyes. He walked in and handed Coach Nelson a note from office, the teacher proceeded to point to a free seat, which was right in front of Bethany.

"Alright, lets get back to the attendance people, Allison Baynes?" He paused waiting for a response.

Suddenly Ali got a smack in the arm, she hadn't realized it but her eyes were still glued to the new guy. "Ouch, damn Beth, Sorry Coach Nelson, I'm here. And can you for once just call me Ali!" She looked at the coach throwing her best smile.

Coach Nelson shook his head as he noticed what had held my attention before, he had known Ali since she was introduced to the pack when she was two, he too was a shifter. "Yes, Ali. Now pay attention."

Bethany looked over at Ali, her eyes were wide and she had the hugest smile pasted on her face, this couldn't be good, she usually only pasted that look on when she had someone in her sights. As the teacher finished calling all the names, he started handing out books, which Bethany took as a time to introduce herself to the new guy. She tapped him on the shoulder lightly getting his attention, "Hi, I'm Bethany." She held her danty hand out to him and he just looked at her like she had two heads.

"Rhys." He spoke softly, Ali had been watching the entire interaction from the corner of her eye, she even noticed after he spoke his name he quickly turned back to face the front completely ignoring Bethany, who was now pouting.

Ali gave her friend a reassuring smile and shrugged her shoulders, she was used to Bethany getting whomever she wanted, most guys stumbled over themselves to get a look at her. Ali always had her fair share of boy friends, but a part of her always felt as if her boyfriends were with her just to get closer to Bethany, she had always thought that made her such a horrible best friend but she couldn't deny that's how she felt.

"Ali can you stay behind after class please." Coach Nelson asked quickly before he started teaching, as usual people turned to look at her, expecting she had done something wrong to earn that kind of attention.

"Yeah." Ali responded quietly.

Class flew by rather quickly, she already had homework, which she hated. As the bell rang everyone jumped up filtering out of the room rather quickly. Ali waved bye to Bethany, then grabbed her messenger bag making her way up to the teacher's desk. The new guy, Rhys, was standing near by.

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