Chapter 44

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Ellie's POV:
~ leaving for tour ~

"So this is it." I say to the guys. Their parents were here but my mum didn't bother because in her exact words she said

"I couldn't care less, your band will fail." Yep.. she's so supportive.

Luke mum, Liz is coming with us because she wants to make sure we're all safe.

"Ellie, where's your mum?" Michael asks me.

"She has work." I lie. He believes it and walks over to his mum. I sigh. If only my family actually cared about me. They did when I was younger but that all changed.

~ flashback ~

My 6 year old self runs into the grocery shop with my 15 year old brother Ari (Ar-ri, roll the R)behind me.

"Wait up Ellie!" He laughs. I giggle and run into a random aisle. I stop and walk and then Ari walked up behind me and picked me up. I giggle more and he walks around carrying me.

"Want some candy?" Ari asks. I nod my head happily. He reaches up to get some when there was a loud bang in the store. Ari looks at where the sound came from then quickly runs over to me and covers my eyes.

"Ellie let's play a game." His voice is shaking. "Let's see who can stay quiet the longest?" I nod and cover my mouth. He sits on the ground and has me between his legs. I stare in his eyes and try not to giggle.

"YOU BOY! GIVE ME THE LITTLE GIRL!" A man yells at Ari. Ari holds me close to him.

"NO! TAKE ME INSTEAD!" He pushes me away slightly and stands up. Then there's a loud bang and Ari falls to the floor. A red liquid starts poring out of his chest. The man runs away as sirens are heard from down the road.

"Ari?" I whisper. He doesn't move. I crawl over to him.

"Ari?" I say a little louder and shake his arm.

"Ari wake up, the man is gone." I shake his arm a bit more. Tears start to build up in my eyes.

"Come on Ari.. wake up please." I look at his face and see his eyes shut.

"Ari! Please! wake up!" I slightly yell. Tears start to stream down my face.

"Please Ari! I wanna go home! I'm scared!" I start to whimper.

"A-Ari!" I sob. Some people run over to us and I think an office pulls me away.

"Little girl, what your name?" He asks me politely.

"E-Ellie Aw-hina.." I sob. He hugs me and helps me to stop crying.

"Let's take you home shall we?" He says nicely. I nod and the officer holds my hand and leads me out to the car. I show him where I live and he takes me up to my door. I run inside and go straight to my mum.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" My mum asks. She sees the officer and stands up holding me.

"I'm sorry ma'am but your son, Ari.. has been killed in a shooting." I break down when I see my mum crying.

~ flashback over ~

A tear slips out of my eye but I quickly wipe it away before anyone saw.

"Flight 109 going to Britain is now boarding." The lady on the speaker says. I sigh and walk over to the guys and their parents. Michael walks over to me with his parents.

"Mum, dad, before we leave... this Ellie. My girlfriend." Michael smiles at me.

"I'm Karen, and this is my husband Daryl." I shake their hands and smile.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang