Chapter 70

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Ellie's POV:

I wake up, still in Michaels arms. I look around and see everyone's still in here. I reach over and grab my phone from the charger. It's 7:12am. I put my phone back on charger and try go back to sleep because I'm still tired.

I wake up again to Michael softly kissing my neck. I roll over and lay on my side so he would stop. He slightly grunts and pulls me closer to him. I slightly open my eyes and see Calum and serenity cuddled up in their bed. Then I hear kissing sounds from behind me.

I turn over again and see Luke and Sarah having a slight make out session. I look at Michael and see his eyes shut. I lightly peck his lips but he holds me still and we kiss for a few seconds longer.

"Wow Mikey." I silently giggle. He smirks at me and we kiss again. I pull away and grab some clothes then go into the bathroom. I have a quick shower then put on the clothes I got. I put on undergarments, half red, half black shorts, a black crop top with white skulls and bones on it and a black leather belt. The top shows off my belly button piercing. I put on my Black chucks that go up, just bellow my knee. It has red laces instead of white. I put on light make up and lightly curl my hair.

I walk out of the bathroom and see everyone else on their phones. I roll my eyes and go into the small kitchen we have.

"Guys we have an interview in like 2 hours." I call out to them. They mumble a 'yea' in response.

"We have to be there like an hour earlier." I laugh. I hear everyone rushing around while I eat some lucky charms we bought.

~ time skip ~

Right now, me and the boys are sitting on a couch waiting for the interviewer, whose name is Rebecca, to walk in. There was just enough room for me to sit but I was basically sitting on Michaels lap.

"So today I am here with the newest band, 5 seconds of summer, say hi guys." We all say a 'hi' or 'hey'.

"So let's get started with some questions, how are you guys." She smiles at us and reads some stuff off of some papers in her hands.

"Yea, we're good, how're you." Ashton answers for us.

"I'm great, so let's start with drama, Ellie and Michael, you two are dating.. correct?" Rebecca asks. I look at Michael to see him looking at me.

"Yea, we had some rough times but we pulled through." Michael smiles. I grin widely and slightly blush.

"Now Ellie, just the other day, the boys tweeted stuff about people hating on you, what was that all about?" She fakes a smile when she looks at me. Bitch. I look at the guys and they nod, basically telling me to explain what happened.

"So, I was getting hate and it just reminded me of what my parents done when I was younger." I explain a short story of it.

"What did your parents do to you?" Now Rebecca became curious.

Goddam this bitch.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora