Chapter 94

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Ellie's POV:
~ slight time skip aka 11:30pm ~

All day someone has been driving me somewhere. Literally and it's pissing me off, what's the fucking surprise? Excuse my cussing.

Now I'm walking through the park. Harry dropped me off here and I've been walking around for the past 15 minutes. I sigh but then I see a small light.

I walk towards it and see that it's a small candle lit up on the ground. Up ahead is another one, and another one. I follow the chandlers and start seeing rose petals. I keep walking and end up going through a couple bushes and arrive at a small table covered in pictures. But the pictures are of all of me and Michael's dates.

I look at all the photos with an ear to ear grin on my face.

"I see you like the photos." I hear a voice from behind me say. I quickly turn around and see Michael.

"Goddammit you scared me." I rest my hand over my heart. I get a proper look at him and see that he's wearing is normal clothes; black jeans, band tee, converses.

He's also holding a ukulele. He pulls out a chair and gestures for me to sit on it.

"What's going on?" I ask while sitting on the chair.

"You'll find out." Michael smiles slightly. He looks so nervous. But why?

He starts playing the chords to "Can't help falling in love". He then starts singing and then Calum walks up behind him and starts singing as well. The smile from before never left my face.

One by one, all the guys come up and stand behind Michael and sing with him. From the corner of my eye I can see Serenity recording this.

Tears start to build up in my eyes. One slips out and I let it roll down my cheek.

"But I can't help.... falling in love.. with, you.." Michael sings the last line by himself. More tears fall down my cheeks as he gives the ukulele to one of the guys. Michael walks in front of me and helps me stand up.

"Ellie." His emerald green eyes stare back into my oddly coloured eyes. "Ever since the day I saw you walking to school, I knew you were different from the others. I wanted to be friends with you, and I done that. I wanted to be your boyfriend, I achieved that. But there's one more thing that I want." He smiles slightly. Then Michael gets down on one knee and looks up at me. "I love you so much Ellie, you're my best friend and my soul mate. Will you make me the happiest kitten alive, and marry me?" He opens a small black box that has a breathtaking ring inside of it.

Michaels eyes are full with excitement and nervousness. More tears drop down my face as I nod my head.

"Yes! Fuck yes I will!" My arms wrap around his neck as he stands up. Everyone starts cheering and I cry into Michael's chest. We pull away and he slips the ring on my finger.(pic up there^^^)

"I love you baby girl." He kisses my lips passionately. We pull away and smile.

"I love you too kitten."

Totally not crying whoops..

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now