Chapter 20

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Ellie's POV:

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I scream and pounce at the dude. He falls and I start punching him.

"Ellie! What the fuck!" I hear someone yell. Then I fell someone wrap their arms around my waist and pull me off of the guy.

"Calm down Ellie!" I hear Michael yell. I keep squirming and Serenity stands in front of me.

"Ellie, girl what happened." Serenity asks. She sees the anger in my eyes and immediately gets pissed off. She turns around and sees the guys lying on the ground with a busted lip and bleeding nose. Luke is crouching next to him making sure he's ok.

"That's an ugly ass purple shirt bro." Serenity says. He looks at her confused then looks at his shirt. He rolls his eyes then stands up. I keep struggling but Michael has a firm grip on me.

"Why are you pissed at Ashton?" Michael yells, slightly pissed.

"He's the one that did this to me!" I yell back, pointing at the scar on my eye.
Michael gasps and stares at Ashton with disbelief.

"Is that true ash?" Michael asks, sounding hurt. I stop struggling but I'm still breathing heavily.

"If you let me explain, I'll tell you why I done it." The so called 'Ashton' talks seriously. I sigh.

"Let him talk, but 2 of you be ready to hold me back." I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. Michael walks in after with Calum behind them and they sit on either side of me. Michaels to my right and Calum's to my left. Serenity sits on the other side of Calum and Luke sits on the lounge chair. Ashton stands in front of all of us.

"Ok so, it's not what you think Ellie." He starts off. I stare at him confused.

"How do yo-" I start but he cuts me off.

"I'll answer all your questions at the end." I sigh and tell him to carry on.

"So, I saw you fighting that night, I was with my boss, mason. He saw you fighting and told me to kill you because he doesn't like people who are better fighters then me.. I didn't want to kill you because... I know what your parents do at your house and.. your father telling me to kill you isn't gonna happen. I tried to tell him that i wasn't gonna kill you but he said he'll murder my family and make me die a slow painful death.. I'm like a father to my sister and brother.. I'm sorry but I love my family." Tears start falling from his eyes. My eyes water up a bit.

"I didn't want to kill you so I just hurt you a bit. I'm sorry I truly am. Please don't hurt me anymore. I love my sister and brother, my dad left me at a young age and I didn't know what to do. He gave me money from fighting. Please, I don't have a lot.." he says crying now. I stand up and hug him.

"I sorta know what it's like not having a dad." I say letting a few tears slip.

~ flashback ~

I run around my back yard chasing my German shepherd. I catch up to him and he rolls over and I scratch his stomach.

"Heyo Doug." I say in a little kids voice. As I scratch his stomach, I hear a loud crash from inside. My mum is at work and my dad is home but it wouldn't be him, would it?

My twelve year old self walks through the back door and walk into the kitchen. I see a broken bottle on the ground and my dad is leaning against the counter with his head in his hands.

"Dad..?" I say quietly.

"Go away Ellie." He says angrily. I slowly take a step forward, avoiding the broken glass.

"Is everything ok..?" I say going to touch his arm. He quickly grabs my wrist and looks at me, full of anger.

"I told you to GO AWAY!" He screams and tightens his grip on my wrist. I whimper in pain.

"YOU JUST NEVER LISTEN DO YOU?! THINK YOU'RE ALL THAT BUT YOU'RE NOTHING! A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" He throws me hard against the wall and I scream in pain.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT IM LIKE THIS! WHY I DON'T HAVE A JOB! WHY I DRINK ALL THE TIME! AND ALSO WHY YOUR MOTHER DOESN'T LOVE ME! SO FUCK YOU AND DIE IN A HOLE!!" He screams while punching and kicking me. I cry and scream in pain then pass out.

~ end of flashback ~

I start crying at the memory then everything goes black.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon