Chapter 1

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Michaels POV:

I wake up at 7:00 and start getting ready for school. I hop out of bed and have a quick shower. When I'm done I put on underwear and then put on one of my many black jeans and then put on a green day shirt. I run my fingers through my hair to make it look decent but then give up because it wasn't working.

I walk downstairs and see my parents. I smile at them and they smile back. I go into the kitchen and get a bowl out. I go to the cupboard and get out cheerios. I pour them into my bowl then put some milk in it. I grab a spoon and start eating my cereal.

When I finished eating, I wash my bowl then go brush my teeth. When I'm finished brushing my teeth I make my lunch, put my shoes on and then grab my bag and start walking to school.

"Have a good day sweetie." My mum says before I leave.

"I will, love you mum." I smile at her. I close the door behind me and walk to school.

"MICHAEL!" I hear someone yell behind me. I turn around and see my mate Calum. He jogs up to me and we do our bro hug.

"Sup man." I say as we keep walking.

"Have you heard about that new girl starting soon?" He asks. I shake my head.

"From what I've heard, she's from New Zealand and she isn't your typical 'every other girl in our school' so hopefully she's chill." He laughs and uses air quotes. I laugh with him and then we arrive at school. We walk up to the front gate and see our other mate, Luke. We walk up to him and do our bro hug thing.

"Luke, you heard about the new girl?" I ask him. He nods.

"I heard she's not a slut like every other girl in our school." Luke laughs. We keep talking for a bit, then we go to our lockers and get the books we need for our first classes. Me, Calum and Luke are like the populars at our school. We post covers of songs on YouTube and ever since then, all the girls drool over us and the boys want to be us.

As I walk down the hall, girls keep staring at us and whisper stuff to their friends. Then they start giggling. I try not to cringe because it's like they're trying to be cute, but are failing miserably.

I get to my locker, unlock it then get my books out. After I got everything I needed, I shut my locker and start walking to my first class which is maths. I walk in class with Luke because we have this class together. Calum has science.

"Long day of shit, here I come." I mutter as I sit next to Luke. He chuckles and nods his head in agreement.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now