Chapter 37

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Ellie's POV:

We walk into the shop and I go to the drinks aisle and get a monster. They boys follow me everywhere around the shop. I end up just getting a monster drink, a pie and mars pods(if you wondering what they are^^) I pay for it all then put it in my bag and then we carry on walking to school.

As we're walking a random boy comes up to me and he looks really shy.

"Oh my god.. you're MysteryEmo, you're really pretty and I love your videos.. uh, c-can I get a picture?" He asks shyly.

"Aww thanks, and of course you can." I smile politely at him. He he gets out his phone and I stand next to him and cross my eyes and stick my tongue out a little. He crosses his eyes as well and does a cheeky grin.

"Thank you. I had fan art for you b-but I left it at home." He stutters a bit.

"Aww, maybe give it to me tomorrow?" He nods and starts walking away.

"Wait! What's your name?" I ask him quickly.

"Eldon." He smiles.

"Ok, see ya tomorrow Eldon!" I wave at him. I start walking away with the boys.

"Quick question.. how many people at school watch my videos?" I ask them.

"Probably... half of the school school.." Luke scratches the back of his neck. My eyes go wide and my jaw goes to the ground.

"So that means..." I mumble as we get on the school grounds.

"THERE SHE IS!" I hear a dude scream. I look up and see about 1/4 of the school running towards us. Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton all stand around me.

"We'll be your security guards." Ashton says and I nod. 1/4 of the school is still at least 300 people. I see a high-ish rock nearby and I run towards it then climb on top of it.

"MY MYSTERIES!" I scream as I loud as I can. I call my subscribers Mysteries. Everyone goes quiet.

"So I know a lot of you probably want a picture or something!" I yell out and I see basically everyone nod their heads.

"I want everyone to line up! No cutting or fighting otherwise I won't do anything with you!" I yell sternly.

"Ashton Irwin! Calum hood! Michael Clifford! And Luke Hemmings are my body guards so don't fight them! Please!" I hear everyone laugh and the boys come up near the rock.

"So everyone line up and have your phones or whatever ready cause there's a lot of you and school starts in like 40 minutes so.. LETS GO!" I scream and everyone gets in a nice orderly line with no fight.

"Here we go." I mumble to myself and hop off the rock.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now