Chapter 11

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??? POV:

I walk around the streets of Sydney, bored out of my mind. I start walking down another random street and see a girl running. She slows down a bit then falls. I run over and make sure she's ok. When I get to her, I roll her over onto her back and gasp at the sight.

"Ellie..." I whisper. Tears form in my eyes as I scream for help. She has a massive cut going from the middle of her forehead down over her eye to the top of her lip.

"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" I scream as tears stream down my face. I hear a door open and a pale boy's stands there. He jogs over to me and gasps.

"ELLIE!" He yells. He quickly pulls out his phone and calls and ambulance.

"Come on Ellie, you're going to be fine." I say hugging her body. Moments later I hear sirens coming from up the road. Tears still stream down my face and the boy pulls me up.

"Did you do this?!" He yells, angry.

"No." I sob. "She's my best friend, I would never do this to her." I almost yell. He has tears streaming down his face as well.

The paramedics take Ellie and put her in the back of the ambulance. I quickly walk in and sit next to her.

"I'll be there soon!" The boy yells before the paramedics shut the doors. We drive off to the hospital and I pray to god that Ellie's ok.

Michaels POV:

I go back into my house, grab the car keys and hop in the car. I drive to the hospital as quick as I can. Once I arrive, I park my car and run inside. I run to the front desk.

"Ellie.... Awhina.." I say puffing.

"Room 209, 3 floor." The lady says, unamused. I run to the elevator and rapidly press the button for the 3rd floor. Once I get there, I run around and look for room 209. I find it and burst through the door to see Ellie lying on a hospital bed with a massive bandage over half her face, and that girl sitting next to her.

"Is she ok?" I ask walking over to the other side of the bed.

"She has a bunch of stitches. She'll be fine, she just passed out from all the blood rushing to her head." The girl replies. I nod and sit in the chair.

"Who are you by the way..?" I ask her. She sighs.

"I'm serenity, Ellie's best friend from New Zealand. I ran away from home and was looking for her and I guess I found her." She lightly chuckles. I look at her and see that she has big green/yellow eyes, silver/ white ombré hair with the tint of blue. She's quite tan and has a slight sharp jawline.

"I'm Michael. I'm her new friend at school." I slightly smile. Serenity smiles back and I see Ellie start to move around a bit. She opens her hazel eye and slowly sits up. She looks at me then at serenity. She gasps.

"Ren..?" Ellie whispers. Serenity nods with tears in her eyes and the hug. I smile at the reunion.

"How the fuck are you here?" Ellie slightly laughs.

"I ran away from the cops... like usual." Serenity replies. Ellie rolls her eye.

"I'm guessing you've met Michael." She says pointing at me. Serenity nods.

"New friend huh?" Serenity winks at Ellie. She blushes and looks away.

"Well I'm gonna go.. get your rest Ellie." I hug her goodbye then leave the hospital to go home.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang