Chapter 62

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Michaels POV:

I wake up the next morning with my arm around Ellie's small waist. She looks so adorable, I missed waking up to this next to this baby kiwi. She puts her head in the crook of my neck and I grab my phone without waking her. I turn the sound and flash off then take a photo of her cuddled up next to me.

I post the photo on twitter and instagram with the caption as:

I'm glad I have my kiwi back😊 she's so adorable, I would never change the world for her....
she's too precious💖🔐👑

It gets a lot of likes straight away and no one was hating. I smile and kiss Ellie's forehead. She wakes up and looks at me with her gorgeous eyes.

"Morning princess." I slightly chuckle. She smiles and lays her head down on me again and sighs.

"Morning baby." She says in a raspy morning voice. Not gonna lie it's kinda sexy for a girl.

"Wanna have a Mellie day?" I ask her. She looks up at me and smiles brightly at me and pecks my lips then grabs some clothes from her bag and goes into the bathroom.

"We're leaving at 10:30!" I call out to her before she shuts the door.

"Plenty of time." She smirks then shuts the door. I laugh and shake my head. I grab my phone and shirt then walk back me and the boys room. It's 9:45 right now so I have a quick shower then put on black skinny jeans and a Green Day shirt.

I play on my phone for a bit in Ellie's room while waiting for her.

Ellie's POV:

I have a quick shower then dry my hair. I put on denim shorts, a white '95 Clifford' shirt, yes we just made merch, and I tie a red flannel around my waist. I put on a black and red SnapBack and put on light make up.

I put on my white high top converses and grab my phone. Michael looks up at me for the first time since I walked out of the bathroom.

"Ready to go pretty girl?" He smirks, standing up. I chuckle and roll my eyes. I grab the xtra room key and me and Michael walk, hand in hand, downtown.

We walk around and see an arcade. We looks at each other and start sprinting to the building. I got there first and waited for a tired kitten.

"Take you long enough?" I ask when he finally gets next to me.

"I'm not sporty like you." He puffs. I poke my tongue out at him and we run around the arcade finding random games to play.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum