Chapter 42

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Ellie's POV:

Michael runs inside his house with me still on his shoulder. He throws me on his bed and gets his laptop from his desk. Calum, Luke and Ashton run up and jump on top of me on the bed.

"You dicks! You're fucking heavy!" I laugh. They laugh and sit on me. I groan and put my head in Michaels pillow.

Michael pushes them off me and makes me stand up. He puts the laptop in my hands and he sits on the bed while pulling me onto his lap. I shrug my shoulders and go on to YouTube and find the video.

"Here we go." I whisper. I scroll down to the first comment. But I shouldn't have.

Eww what the fuck? Why are her eyes like that? Is she an alien or something?

It hurts but I carry on. Someone replied to that comment.

Bitch shut the fuck up honestly what did Ellie ever do to you? Her eyes are fucking amazing if you gonna hate, fight me.

There's also another reply

Syd berhh:
Anonymous? What scared you'll get judged? That's why Ellie kept her face hidden.. she really shouldn't have because she's pretty asf. Don't go hating just because you ain't her gawd..

I smile, knowing that my fam has my back.

We read a few more comments and there were a couple of them that had hate about my eyes but Sarah and syd girls stuck up for me. Hopefully I'll meet them some day. Then all of a sudden our phones blow up with notifications on twitter. I only had 900 followers because not everyone has twitter, but now I have 1,600.

"Guys what the fuck." I say surprised. I see I'm mentioned in a tweet and I check it out. Then I scream.

"GUYS!" I stand up. "LOUIS NOTICED US!" I jump up and down.

"ONE DIRECTION LOUIS?!" Luke screams I nod and we get in a group hug. Then my phone goes off.

Hi I'm Louis from one direction, me and Niall is a fan of your music and we want you to open up the shows on our tour. Get back to us soon if you'd like to do it xx

"YAASSS BITCH!" I break out of the group hug and do a backflip.

"YOU WANNA TOUR WITH ONE DIRECTION?!" I scream at the guys. They all scream and jump around. Michael comes up to me and hugs me. I wrap my legs around his waist and hug him tightly.

"We're going on tour." I whisper as a tear slips out of my eye.

I'm sorry it's a short chapter but I promise the next one will be good😊

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now