Chapter 98

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Ellie's POV:

I hear everything go quiet. Then roses by Shawn Mendes plays. Ashton and Harry stand on either side of me and I intertwine my arms with theirs. Ashton is standing on my right while Harry's on my left.

"You look amazing Ellie." Ashton smiles at me.

"I agree with him, you look stunning." Harry grins. I giggle slightly.

"Thanks guys." We start slowly walking down the aisle as the song played. I look up at Michael and he looks at me. He gasps at the sight of me. I see him mouth the words 'oh my god' then her turns around and wipes some tears away from his eyes.

Harry and Ashton hand me off to Michael and the priest starts talking. Me and Michael hold each other's hands while we stare into each other's eyes.

"Michael, would you like to start of with your vows?" The priest asks him. Michael pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"Ellie, I honestly never thought I would end up here, with you. The first day you came to our school, I knew straight away you weren't like all the others and I just had to make you mine. It finally happened and you have no idea on how happy I was." He pauses while there were a few chuckles from all our friends and family. "But I fell in love with you. And trust me, I fell hard. I never thought in a million years that I would end up marrying someone as perfect as you." My eyes tear up as he speaks. "You're everything I want and need. So that's why I want to make you mine, not temporarily, permanently. I love you to the moon and back Ellie." He finishes.

I rapidly blink away the tears that threaten to fall. Michael smiles at me and puts the piece of paper away.

"Ellie, now it's time for your vows." The priest turns to me. I take a deep breath before speaking.

"Michael, you're literally the only guy I know who reminds me of a kitten. I never thought you would stay with me but here we are, crazy right?" I chuckle slightly. "You're the most kindest, craziest and funniest guy I know, also very handsome, cute and sometimes sexy." He laughs. "But those aren't even half of the reasons why I love you. Everything about you is just perfect and I would be such an ass if I let you go. You're too precious. I love you to the moon and back Mikey." I smile widely.

I hear a few people crying and it doesn't help me stop. A tear falls from my eye and Michael quickly wipes it away.

"Michael Clifford, do you take Ellie to be you wife? Through thick and thin and to take care of her all the way?" The priest turns to Michael.

"I do." He smiles at me.

"Ellie Awhina, do you take Michael to be your husband? Through thick and thin and to take of him all the way?" The priest then turns to me.

"I do." I giggle slightly.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Me and Michael both lean in and our lips connect. We share a very passionate kiss as our friends and family all cheer. We pull away and smile brightly at each other.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Clifford!" The priest yells. Michael picks me up bridal style and runs down the aisle, nearly falling over.

"Food time!" Michael yells cheerfully. I laugh and kiss his cheek.

Mrs Clifford? I like it..

I finally updated holy shit.. I'm sorry I haven't updated that much but it's just school and stuff... I'll try get the last two chapters out soon though! Love you all!❤️

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now