Chapter 71

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Ellie's POV:

"Uhh... no comment." I look down at my hands in my lap.

"Oh come on, I'm pretty sure everyone wants to know." Rebecca says, a little pissed off.

"Hey!" Aston basically yells.

"If she doesn't want to explain, then let her be." Luke glares at Rebecca.

"It's her private life, you don't need to know everything about her." Michael spat at her. Rebecca looks shocked but then moved on to the next question.

"So Luke, whose the girl we've seen in all the photos?" Luke blushes slightly.

"That's.. that's my beautiful girlfriend, Sarah." He smiles, talking about her. Awh.

"I'm guessing you love her?" Rebecca's asks, sounding jealous. If she says shit about Sarah, boy she better run.

"I haven't told her yet but yea, I really do love her." Me, Michael, Calum and ash smirk at him.

"Awwwww Lukey's in loovvveee." We tease him. He laughs awkwardly and Rebecca asks the net question.

"Ellie, why do you wear so many bracelets." My smile fades. I cough a bit and sigh.

"A few years ago, I used to self harm. I just don't want anyone to see the scars. It was a rough time but I got through it." I say truthfully. Rebecca looks unamused.

"Now we're just gonna have a break." She stands up and walks away. I roll my eyes as a different guys comes and sits in the seat Rebecca was in.

"We're gonna fire her, I'm so sorry Ellie. From what I've heard you don't need Rebecca's bullshit." The guy tells us.

"It's ok, just as long we don't see her slutty face again." I mumble the last bit.

"I'm Nate by the way. So let's carry on with some question." He smiles. Nate asks us a few more questions then gives us panels with all our names on them.

"So we're gonna play a game. I'm gonna ask you something and you decide who would most likely do that." Mate explains. We all nod.

"Ok first one." He reads off little cards in his hand. "Who would you let your daughter date?" I look at the panels with the guys names on them.

"None of you. I'm not letting any of you near my daughter." Calum leans back on the couch. We all laugh.

"I'm gonna go with Ashton, he seems like he knows how to treat a girl." Luke holds up the panel with Ash's name on it.

"Instead of daughter, I would let my son date Ellie." Ash holds my name up. I laugh.

"What if your daughters a lesbian." I ask.

"She's still dating you." Ash smiles.

"I'm going with Calum." Michael holds Calum's name up.

"Im not letting any of you touch my daughter I don't trust you guys." The guys laugh and Nate goes on to the next question.

"Who always takes a massive shit." Nate laughs.

"Michael, definitely." I laugh and hold up his name.

"I'm gonna say Calum. His smell, pretty bad." Luke holds up Calum's name.

"Have you seen a log in the toilet after Calum shat? Cause that's Michael." Ash holds up Michaels name.

"Ok yea Michael." Luke changes the names. Calum holds up Michaels name as well and we all look at Michael.

"It's true I take the biggest shits." We all laugh.

"Who has the dirtiest mind?" The guys don't say anything and hold up my name. I start laughing.

"Pssshhh it's totally.. totally not me." I chuckle and hold up my name. They laugh with me and Nate asks the next question.

These idiots..

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now