Chapter 4

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??? POV:
~ next morning ~

"THEY LEFT US ALONE, THE KIDS IN THE DARK, TO BURN PUT FOREV-" I turn the alarm off my phone and groan. First day of school. I think to myself. I force myself out of my bed and go into my bathroom. I turn on the shower and while I wait for it to get warm I look at myself in the mirror.

I have long brown hair down just past my butt. I have tan skin and freckles on my face.. Also it's weird.. my left eye is hazel and my right eye is a light blue. I used to get bullied because of my eyes. But serenity came and beat their asses. I laugh at the memory. I take off my clothes and hop in the shower. I quickly wash my hair and body then hop out. I dry my body then walk into my room and put on undergarments. I go into my closet and get black shorts and a black nirvana shirt. I put on my black and white high top converses then go back into my bathroom.

I blow dry my hair and brush it. It's naturally straight so I leave it down and put on a black beanie. I put my fringe in front of my right blue eye because I don't want to get bullied again.

I brush my teeth then put on some foundation and done a wing with my liquid liner then put on a light coat of mascara. I don't cake my face, fuck that.

I go back into my room and put on my many bracelets. I have about 15 on each arm.

I grab my phone off the charger and then grab my backpack then head downstairs. As I'm walking down, I check the time on my phone and it's only 7:20, school doesn't start until 8:30.

I walk into the kitchen and see my dad reading the newspaper and my mum drinking some coffee.

"Morning sweetheart." My dad says.

"Morning." I slightly smile. I grab and apple and make a sandwich for my lunch. Once I'm done doing that I put it in my bag then head for the door.

"Why aren't you having breakfast?" My mum asks.

"I'm not really hungry." I reply opening the door.

"Have fun on your first day of school darling." Mum says again.

"I will by- wait where is it?" I slightly chuckle.

"Walk straight down our street turn right, and just keep walking then you should be there.. it's called East Sydney high." Mum replies with a smile.

"Thanks, love you bye!" I wave to them then shut the door. I take a deep breath, put my headphones on and turn on hallelujah by panic! At the disco, then start walking to school.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now