Chapter 58

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Serenity's POV:

While Ellie's in the shower I go back to the boys room. I knock on their door and Calum pulls me in.

"So what the fuck happened, why is that cunt here." I ask.

"Management is making me date her, I don't know who the hell she is." Michael answers. I can tell he's been crying for a little while. She means a lot to him.

"Why? Why in the name of lord would they split up such an amazing couple." I pave back in forth. Then a guy walks through the door.

"Hey Matt." Calum greets him. This 'Matt' guy looks at me weirdly.

"I'm guessing you're serenity, I'm Matt, one of the management guys." I shake his hand.

"Please don't make me date that, rat." Michael stands up. Matt sighs.

"I tried to mike, but they think you and Abigail are better. I highly doubt that, I've seen the way you and Ellie look at each other." He looks down with guilt written all over him.

"They're trying to find Ellie a guy so she'll get over you faster. But I can tell you won't ever be off her mind." Matt looks at Michael. Michael looks hurt, maybe even shattered like Ellie is.

"Do you know who?" Ashton pipes in.

"They won't tell me, I'm sorry. He's gonna be here soon." Matt looks at his watch then back at us.

"I've gotta get back to them. I'm really sorry Michael. You and Ellie deserve each other." A tear slips out of Michaels eye as Matt walks out the door. Michael lays back down on the bed and cries silently.

Ellie's POV:

I wake up to my phone ringing. I look at the caller and see it's Christian. I groan and answer.

"Hello?" I say tiredly.

"I'm guessing you just had a nap." He chuckles. I roll my eyes and sit up, rubbing my eyes. "Can you come by our room please? We have to tell you something."

"Just me?" I ask. Why would they want just me? Dafuq.

"Yea." I sigh.

"I'll come over now." I hang up and walk their room, barefooted. I walk in and see them sitting, silently.

"Well, what do you guys need to talk to me about." I plop down on the couch.

"Well-" wade gets cut off from a knock at the door. Matt goes to the door.

"Ellie, meet Jonathan Dennis. Your new boyfriend." Christian introduces us.

"Hey there's 2 Jonathan's now." I chuckle slightly. The Jonathan guy walks in. He's about 6'6, tanned, crystal blue sparkling eyes, short black hair and a sharp jawline. He's actually pretty attractive but not as attractive as Michael.

"Emo?" His voice sounds very similar. I look at him confused.

"How do you know my YouTube name?" I squint my eyes at him.

"Uhmm..." he mumbles. Then he looks up happily. "Oh there's a piggy! Oh a.... there's a... YAHOO!" Now I know him.

"Delirious?" I ask. He nods. I run up and hug him.

"I never thought I'd meet you in real life." I mumble into his shoulder.

"I'm guessing you 2 will be a good couple as well." Wade smirks. Me a Del start laughing hysterically.

"I-I don't t-think S-so." Del says between laughs. I wipe away a tear that fell from laughing.

"Huh?" Christian looks at us weirdly.

"We're like siblings." I smile. Management looks angry except for Matt, he looks happy.

"You will act like a couple or you're not on the tour, ok?" Jonathan says angrily at me and Del. We walk out and we go to the boys room. I walk in and they all go quiet.

"Guys, this is Jonathan, but call him delirious, delirious this is Calum, Ashton, Luke, serenity and Michael." He waves at them.

"Whys he here?" Luke asks. I slightly glare at him.

"He's my 'boyfriend' but we both don't want to be together so we'll just act like idiots." I use air quotes on 'boyfriend'.

"Plus I ship Mellie." Del smirks. I laugh at him and we all hang out for a bit.

~ Love Hurts ~ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now