I Just Wanna Cuddle...

Depuis le début

"So, you happy I'm not calling you Birdy yet?" Austin laughed, watching as Sienna blushed. Max giggled loudly from his bunk and Sienna narrowed her eyes at him. 

"Shut up, Maxine." Sienna threatened and Max gasped, wrenching back his curtain. 

"Ooo! Maxine! Such a lovely comeback! Come up with that on your own, Birdy?" he stuck out his tongue childishly and Sienna was strongly reminded of Jack Barakat. "You're just mad because Birdy actually started to catch on!" and with that, he leaped down the stairs landing with a loud thump and a strangled: ow

Sienna laughed and made sure Max stood back up before running off to cause more damage before turning back to Austin. "What's up?" 

"So, YMAS wanted to know if you could sit on stage and work on close ups." Austin said, scratching his nose and leaning against the bedposts. "Josh also wanted to know if he could take you out to dinner some time. As friends, that would be creepy as hell if he had other intentions." His eyes darkened at that thought making Sienna laugh at Austin's overprotectiveness. 

"It's okay. I'll stand sidestage. But I won't go directly on it." 

"Why not?" whined Dan's voice from the top bunk. Sienna rolled her eyes. 

"Because it makes me uncomfortable." she lowered her eyes and stared at her feet which were barely touching Austin's. "I feel like they're all judging me." 

"The feeling will pass, love." Josh said, squeezing by Austin and Sienna, winking casually at her before climbing into Dan's bunk. Sienna looked confused and Austin just stared at the bunk waiting for something to happen. 

Josh started banging his fist on the bunk wall and he made some loud seductive moans. Austin pulled out his phone quickly and started recording the moment between Josh and Dan. Although you couldn't see the men themselves, Sienna laughed silently, covering her mouth as Josh started dirty talking Dan. 

"Ooo, Dan. You're so sexy. Do you work out? I didn't know blondes could be so big." 

"Ew! Josh! Get the fuck off me. Seriously-I don't know where that mouth of yours has been." 

"I know where it's gonna be!" Josh cheered. Sienna blushed deeply and closed her eyes, only opening them when she heard a loud thud and saw Josh lying on his stomach, groaning. Dan poked his head out and stuck out his tongue. 

"I think you forgot that I'm a one-pump-dump, and my motto is a hump-and-dump." Dan reminded Josh kindly. "So just remember, Joshie. If you have thirty seconds and you don't know what to do, you know where to find me!" 

Sienna tried to breathe through her giggles, but it was getting harder, seeing how Josh raised his arm in a fist from the ground and brought it down in a swinging motion. "Yes! Score!" 


POV Austin


After uploading the video to twitter, Austin wandered off to the venue with the other bands as Asking Alexandria performed. The set list was actually kind of cool; Asking Alexandria, You Me At Six, Of Mice and Men, then Bring Me The Horizon. Sometimes, Asking Alexandria went in OMAM's place, sometimes YMAS went in AA's place, but mixing it up was good for both the bands and the fans. 

Danny Worsnop was doing a lot of clean vocals now a days, so most of the songs that he performed were a mix of heavy and soft which got the crowd on their feet and singing along. Since this tour had a lot of major labels, Asking Alexandria had to leave during the middle of BMTH's tour and wouldn't be filled in with a another band, leaving the rest of the bands to try and figure out how to make their set lists another ten or fifteen minutes longer. 

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant