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Near future: October + of 2016

@DawsonHard138 - @Abi_Miranda, I brought you something! Can you come outside?

I smiled at the tweet, then hurried out of the theater, Lin was going on as Hamilton tonight, even though it was October, he simply missed the role. I walked outside and a guy a bit older than me waved me over.

"Oh gosh, I can't believe you really came. Um, hi." He extended his hand to shake. "My names Dawson Harding." He introduced himself. He was amazingly attractive, he was tall, had a bit of stubble, his button downs sleeves rolled up to the elbow. "This is gonna sound so stupid, I brought you these." He handed me a bouquet of red roses and a teddy bear.

"Oh." I smiled, "thank you so much! Oh, let me give you a hug." I requested, and gently hugged him.

"And, um, Abigail, I was, I was sort of, would you, would you like to see a movie with me?" He asked, nervously wringing his hands.

"Oh!" I was taken aback a little, "I'd love to. When?" I asked.

"Really?" He asked, and I nodded. "Okay, Friday?" He suggested.

"Okay." I gave him a smile, "um, can I, can I have your phone number?" I asked, pulling my phone out.

"Of course." He said, and I handed him my cell phone. He quickly typed in his number, and returned it.

"Mija, you know you can't leave th..." My dad came up behind me and I saw Dawson's eyes widen, "who's this?" He asked.

"Dawson Harding." He pushed me out of the way a bit to shake Lins hand, "I'm a huge fan. Can I get a picture?" He asked, and Lin nodded, Dawson snapped a quick picture, then stepped away a bit.

"Peanut, come back inside, everyone wants to say hi." Lin took my hand.

"We're on for Friday? Right?" Dawson asked as I was going back inside.

"Yeah." I smiled, then went through the stage door.

"You're going on a date with him?" Lin asked, and I nodded, "okay, be careful, he's a fan, just, make sure he wants to date you for you, and not for fame okay Darling?"

"Okay." I smiled a bit.


Dawson, oddly enough had been really sweet, and we'd been dating for several weeks. Lin didn't like him, neither did Vanessa. He was supposed to come over tonight, we were going to watch a movie.

"Peanut, you can still cancel." Lin said, as I was cleaning the living room.

"Dad, I'm not gonna cancel, I'm looking forward to this."

"Your mom and I will be in the kitchen okay? Don't let him do anything that makes you uncomfortable, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled a little, then I heard the doorbell ring. A smile spread over my face, I looked down at my outfit, jeans and a v neck t-shirt, then opened the door. "Hi." I smiled at him, standing on my toes to kiss him.

"Hi Princess." He said, slipping his arm around my waist. "Hi Lin." He flashed my dad a smile, "I like your apartment."

"Thanks. Your girlfriend cleaned it.. So..." Lin was still staring at him, cooly.

"That's my little girlfriend." Dawson said and I smiled hearing him call me that, "a perfect little housewife."

"Well, Abigail picked a movie out for the two of you, I'll be in the kitchen if either of you need anything." He smiled at both of us, then left the room.

Adopted By Hamilton One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang