Abi/Kevin - Daycare

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March 9th 2027

"Okay sweetie." I smiled at Hunter, waking her up in the morning, "I know yesterday was fun, but I'm going to spend the day with your grandpa, and Daddy has work, so, you get to go to daycare." I smiled, and pulled her out of her crib. She was one.

"Hi mama." She smiled at me.

"Hi Mija." I pulled out a pink jumper from her closet, along with little white converse, I quickly changed her, and then brought her into Kev and I's bedroom, I sat her on the bed, and braided her hair, tying each dark brown braid off with a pink ribbon.

"Is that my daughter?" Kevin asked, coming out of the bathroom in his scrubs. "You look so pretty, my little Hunter!" He lifted her up, and spun her around a bit.

"Dada!" She squealed, and I smiled, my hands in my lap, sitting on our bed.

"Yes. That is my name." He smiled at her, and moved her to sit on his hip. "And how are you this fine morning my darling little Princess?" He asked.

"Good." She giggled.

"Fantastic!" He exclaimed, "and how's my wife?" He turned towards me.

"Tired." I sighed

"Understandable, but, well, having your dad over, that should be fun." He shrugged.

"It will, now give me my little one." I held my arms out expectantly, and he begrudgingly handed our daughter to me. "Okay Mija, daycare." I smiled. It was her first day.

"I'm gonna miss mama." She sighed, resting her head against my chest.

"Mama's gonna miss you too." I sighed, and kissed her head. I walked her down the the car, and strapped her in her car seat in the back, and Kevin got in the drivers seat.

"Okay, are my girls good to go?" He asked, his hands on the wheel.

"Mmhm." I nodded, buckling my seatbelt.

"Awesome." He laughed, and kissed my cheek. He drove for a little while, and eventually pulled up at Hunters day care. I held her on my hip, and Kevin took my hand in his, as we walked it. Eventually I picked her up off of my hip and set her down on the floor, I squatted down to her height.

"Have a good day Pumpkin." I smiled, and gently hugged her, "Mama'll miss you." As I pulled away from the hug, I saw Kevin slip his hand in hers.

"I'll walk her in darling." He said, and I straightened up to my regular height, I gave him a quick kiss, and he walked inside and signed her in.

"Abigail Miranda?" I heard a guys voice behind me, and I turned around.

"Mmhm?" I turned around.

"Oh my gosh. My kid goes to the same daycare as Abi Mirandas kid. You've really let yourself go." He laughed a bit.

"Oh, uh, what do you mean?" I asked.

"C'mon, loving the yoga pants and men's t-shirt, oh and ugg boots."

"Oh." I bit the inside of my lip, and looked myself up and down. I was in leggings, and one of Kevin's university t-shirts. "I mean, I wasn't planning on leaving the house today, other than dropping Hunter off, I didn't put a lot of thought into this."

"I can tell." He smiled, "Columbia University, department of medicine?" He asked, referring to Kevin's shirt. "You're an actress, you didn't go to an Ivy League."

"It's my husbands." I shrugged, and just then, I felt Kevin's arm slip around my waist, and he kissed my cheek.

"Hi." He smiled at me, "who's this?" He asked.

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