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Abi here. I did not write this. This was written by DaniaDewese and I LOVE IT BECAUSE IT IS FANTASTIC LIKE SERIOUSLY WHAT A BLESSING A CUTE FLUFFY BLESSING.

The night you were born was the best night of my life. Your mom and I were terrified because you came so early but we wouldn't have it any other way. We weren't prepared but you have made our lives complete.

I put down your baby book as you began to cry. I hurried over and scooped you up hoping your mama wouldn't wake up. She needed her rest and I can change a dirty diaper....right

"Phew girlie" I laughed "you stink. don't cry, daddy loves you. I was just being silly" I promised as I took off the dirty diaper and threw it in the trash.

"Stop squirming" I laughed a few moments later. As I was trying to put back on you kept trying to wiggle free. I suddenly felt we were being watched. "Hi Bunny, we were just getting changed" I said smiling as I finally got the diaper on Hunter. I picked her back up "Go back to bed, I got this." I gave Abi a kiss and shooed her out the door.

I sat down in Hunters rocker "So where were we....oh I remember. Your a Abuelo was quizzing me on baby care, well cause he thinks he's the most knowledgeable. When your older ask him what that scar on his hand is from."

Lin watched as I tried rather unsuccessfully to put the diaper on the baby doll he handed me. I could see laughter in his eyes as he tried to hold it back. I just shook my head "Okay if you find it so funny you do it!"

Lin took the baby and diaper from me and began to do it but well "What the hell?? These are not like the ones Sebastian had. Why are there no directions?"

I laughed too "I think the picture goes in front. I mean that would make sense right? Oh and what know what we should ask the girls."

---end flashback---

I laughed lightly "Your mama and Abuela got a real kick out of that. It was funny to see two grown men trying to put a diaper on a fake baby. Good thing I learned to fix that by now. You really are in good hands now kiddo."

I got out of the rocking chair noticing that Hunter had finally fell asleep again. I kissed her head as I went over to her crib and put her down. I smiled at her "I love you my Hunter. I promise to give you the world and make sure no one ever hurts you. Have amazing dreams my sweet girl."

I walked out of the room after making sure the monitor was on. I walked into the master room smiling seeing my Bunny asleep. I slipped into bed beside her pulling her closer and kissing her temple "I love you Bunny." I then fell asleep with a smile on my face.


What did you think? Was it good? I loved it, I thought it was fantasmic so YAY THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Don't worry, the What If... one shots will be continuing shortly.

Is anyone else having trouble with comments right now??? Because it's pissing me off.

Haven't had the best day, cried a little, not having fun.

First read through of Pride and Prejudice went well, I was invited to go get ice cream with some of the cast members (the actors who played Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy, Mrs. Gardiner, Kitty, and Lady Catherine) and we literally hung out for three hours and YAY PEOPLE LIKE ME.

I also finally admitted to the William inspiration (the guy playing Mr. Darcy) that I used to like him, so I got that off my chest.

Also, all of these people hate the same people I do, so we're happy.

Also, weird question: why do you guys like me? I'm serious. What did I ever do to make you like me?

Have a good tomorrow

Thanks for reading!

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