Abi/Kevin - Nightmare

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The kick landed in my stomach, I doubled over and let out a scream, that kick was followed with several more like it, until I felt a hand on my shoulder and a steady familiar voice.

"Bunny? Bunny, oh gosh, are you okay? Sweetie, wake up, wake up." He pleaded shaking me the tiniest bit.

"Kevin?" I whimpered, looking at my husband, who seemed very concerned, his brown eyes tired and hair scruffy.

"Darling are you okay?" He asked.

"Did I hit you?" I asked, pushing myself up a little.

"You kneed me, but, what, what happened?" He asked.

"I had a nightmare." I said and nestled back into our bed, crying, "I'm sorry I hit you."

"No, no, what did you dream about?" He asked.

"It's stupid." I whimpered

"No it's not." He protested, and slipped his arm under me, then pulled my body into his, tightly holding me to him. "I've got you, now, talk to your husband."

"Kevin, it, it really was stupid." I sighed, snuggling into his chest.

"Anything that makes my wife cry cannot be stupid." He kissed my head, "now, talk to me."

"You know I was in the system right?" I whispered.

"Of course I do." He said gently rubbing my arm.

"And I was abused?" I whispered, my voice  even more quiet.

"Bunny? I married you, of course I know that. Is that was this was about? Abuse?"

"I know it was stupid, it's been years. Years Kevin. Years. Why is this happening?"

"Oh baby, it's, you're okay, you're here, you're safe, I've got you." He kissed my head, "I adore you, I adore everything about you."

"Kevin..." I whispered and let myself relax a little into his strong hold.

"Shh baby." He gently kissed my head, "talk to me."

"I don't know, it just, I was getting beat up." I whimpered and he started to gently stroke my hair. "And it was scary." I sighed, "it was so scary, I was so scared Kev." I whimpered.

"Please, Abigail, tell me what happened." He begged, pressing his lips to whatever skin was closest to him.

"Okay, um, when I was fifteen, I tried to run away from my foster family. I made it away for two or three days, but, um, my, my um, my foster dad found me, and he chased me, like literally chased me for as far as I could run. It's not an interesting story Kev, he grabbed me, threw me in his car, and I wasn't allowed to leave the house for the summer. I couldn't walk for a week after I ran away, it hurt too bad." I admitted.

"Okay. Um," I heard my husband sigh, and then he sat up, and pulled me to sit up as well. "Come here." He opened his arms, and I scooted forward, and sat between his legs, mine lightly wrapped behind him. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my head. "I love you." He whispered, gently rubbing my back.

"I love you too." I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Do you need something? Like, tea? Or a movie? I can make food for you? It's late, but, um..." he trailed off thinking about other options.

"Can we just, walk around the block?" I asked.

"Mmhm, it's like, four a.m., but, whatever will make you feel better."

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Let's go." He helped me stand up, "here." He handed me his sweatshirt. "Put on jeans." Kevin added, chuckling and kissing my head, and he left the room. I pulled a pair of jeans on, along with boots then left my bedroom.

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