Abi/Kevin - PTSD

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A/n: July 3rd 2018

"I'm sorry Kevie, I fell asleep, I'm swamped, I didn't mean to miss dinner." I was apologizing to my boyfriend, having accidentally missed our 6 month anniversary dinner.

"It was embarrassing. My waiter thought I was stood up for a 6 month anniversary. I was stood up, Abigail."

"Kevin, it was an accident, I feel terrible, I'm so sorry." I whimpered a bit.

"You should be sorry, I had reservations." He added, and my leg started to shake. "I had to buy a meal anyway to be respectful, Abigail, I don't have a ton of money."

"Kev, Kev, I'm really sorry. I'll make up for it, I'll pay for your food last night." I pleaded, I felt awful.

"No, Abigail, no, you're the girl you shouldn't have to pay, just, you stood me up for our 6 month anniversary dinner!" His voice escalated until he was yelling. My mind started to cloud a bit, and my eyes glazed over, the scene started to change and I was being yelled at by a foster father.

I don't know why I was being yelled at, maybe I was being blamed, they were pissed off, maybe I forgot something, but regardless I was crouched in a corner, as my foster father hurled harsh words at me.

The shouting went on for several minutes, until I was crying in a ball. Eventually his voice started to change and I heard my boyfriend.

"Bunny? Sweetie? What's going on? Are you okay Darling?" My eyes opened and I was on the couch in his room, in his Fraternity house, he was holding me, and I obviously had a PTSD flashback. My head was buried in the crook of his neck, he was holding me tightly to him, and I was wrapped in a blanket. "You were shaking, and crying, what happened?" He gently kissed my hair, "I'm sorry I was angry, baby. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." I whispered, deeply inhaling his cologne to calm me down. I nuzzled my head back into the crook of his neck, and sighed. Then, I heard the door open.

"Hey Kev!" His friend Alec came in, obviously drunk. "Kev, where were you?" He slurred out, "you said you'd be there!"

"Be where?" I asked softly, looking up a bit.

"Oh! Kevins in trouble with the girlfriend." He laughed a little.

"It was a Frat party, Delta Chi, I never said I'd be there." He added to Alec.

"Okay." I whispered, setting my head back down on his shoulder. He kissed my hair again and gently rubbed my arm.

"So, Kevin, you got yourself a girlfriend." Alec said coming over to the couch.

"Mmhm." He nodded.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He asked.

"Abigail." I looked up, giving him a small smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Alec." He got up from the couch, and I thought he was leaving. "I'm just, I'm just gonna nap on your bed." I heard Alec slur, then I heard him collapse onto Kevins unmade bed.

"Nope. That's not happening, you're gonna throw up onto my bed." He lifted me off of his lap, leaving me to rest of the arm of the couch.

"C'mon Kev!" He yelled, "if I throw up I'll clean it up."

"Alec, I need my bed okay?" I looked up to see Kevin literally dragging Alec out of the bed.

"Why? It's not like you're gonna... Oh," his voice changed a bit, "ah, the girlfriends over, are you gonna make Kevin Jr?"

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