Abi/Kevin - Press Week

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Abi's POV

I woke up to my husband on the phone, I smiled a bit, pushing myself up. I gently kissed his neck, happily. He ran his hand down through my bedhead.

"Baby, shh, shh, it's my cousin." He requested, and kept running his hands down my hair.

"You have a girl over?" I heard a guys muffled voice on his phone.

"Mmhm, my wife, you have to come visit, New York's a beautiful place." As he said that, I nuzzled back into bed, Kevin holding me. "Maria?" He asked, and I looked up, seeing him upset, "oh God..." he sighed, "yeah, yeah, I'll be there." He said.

"Kev? What happened?" I asked, concerned.

"Shh," he bent down and kissed my head, "no, she has a busy week ahead of her, um, okay, okay." He said into the phone, "mmkay, I'll see you Tuesday, Angel. Adios." He hung up, and set his phone down.

"What... what happened?" I asked.

"My aunt died." He sighed, "we need to talk."

"Okay." I whispered, sitting up in bed.

"I need to go to the funeral." He admitted, "it's this Tuesday."

"Oh." I sighed, Bonnie and Clyde opened on Friday, and it was our press week. (T: NOOOOOO)

"Don't worry, Bunny, I'll be back by Friday, I wouldn't miss that for the world." He gently rubbed my arm, "I just, I'll probably be gone from Sunday to Wednesday or Thursday."

"Okay." I smiled a little, "I'm really sorry about your aunt."

"It's okay, Love, I don't know my extended family that well. My dad had to move here for work, and was engaged to my mom, so, we're the only branch of the family who emigrated."

"Oh." I sighed. "I mean, I don't even know if I have any biological aunts or uncles." I shrugged.

"Luis and Luz? Your tío y tía. I know them." He smiled. (T: Oh kevin, you adorable, clueless human)

"Not... not biological." I bit my lip.

"Oh... I'm sorry sweetie, it slipped my mind." He kissed the very top of my head. "Now, before her first interview, I shall make my bride bacon." He announced scooping me up, and walking into the kitchen.


"Okay, uh, just, call me when you land, okay?" I asked. I was standing at the gate with Kevin, holding his carry on suitcase.

"Of course." He smiled, taking the bag from me.

"And stay safe." I added, "I'm not losing you." I sighed slipping my arms around his neck.

"Don't worry, I'll be just fine. Now, make sure you eat and drink a lot, take your meds Bunny, I can't stress that enough. Have fun, it's press week, I will watch all of your interviews at my hotel I promise."

"Mmkay, I... I'll see you Thursday." I kissed him, sadly.

"Okay," he sighed, pulling away, "I love you, sweetheart, have a great week." He gently rubbed my arms, and then turned around to go onto the plane.

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