Abi/Lin - (Luke AU) Galinda Welcome Party

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Hi everyone, Abi here. So, to start this one off, I didn't write this. WickedWyvern wrote this for me and it's fantastic and I'm definitely in love with it. So... yeah, enjoy, love it. It's great. I'll see you soon.

"Abi, come on, we'll be late for WizOmania!" Lin yelled, in his most Glinda-ish voice.

"We're coming!' I laughed, putting a flower in Betsy's hair. 'Are you ready to go, Flower?"

"U-uh," Betsy nodded, hugging her stuffed elephant. "Can I bring Felfie?"

"Of course," I answered. Lin didn't tell me where we were going, but no one would mind a three-year-old bringing her stuffed elephant, right? "Okay pumpkin, let's GOOOO!!" I screamed, and hand-in-hand we ran downstairs.

"You both look lovely," Vanessa said.

"Galinda and Galinda 2.0," Lin commented.

"Hey!" I said madly. I mean, we indeed were both wearing pink, but what's the matter with that?

"Come on, get in the car!" Vanessa said, handing Anthony to me. She tossed the keys to Lin: "You're driving."

"Ah come on," Lin said, "You know I hate driving! I suck at it!"

"Yes," Vanessa said, already in the passenger's seat "That's why I'll drive back."

Lin, grumbling, gave in, and sat down in the driver's seat.

"Are they always like this?" Betsy asked while I buckled up her seat belt.

"Yes." I replied, laughing a bit, "You'd better get used to it."

"So, are you finally telling me where we're going?" I asked.

"V, you tell her," Lin said, "I'm gonna crash into a pole if I tell her while driving. BUT AT LEAST I DON'T CRASH MY DAD'S CAR INTO A TREE BECAUSE THERE'S A FUCKING CAT!"

"Dad-" I tried to say, but Vanessa interrupted me: "Actually, I could very well imagine you doing that."

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"Your father invited the whole original cast of Hamilton to the Richard Rodgers. He told them he has a surprise, Chris is the only one who knows you're back."

"We'll give them the surprises of their lives!" Lin laughed.

About ten minutes later, we were standing in front of the Richard Rodgers. Lin opened the door, everyone's heads turned our way. Betsy hid behind my leg. It was silent for about half a second, then Jasmine screamed 'IT'S ABI!!!' and everyone ran towards me and pulled me into a giant group hug. All around me I heard things like: "What happened?", "Oh sweetheart", and "You're back!"

"HEY!" Lin had climbed on a table, "Everyone, calm down! Yes, Abi is back. Of course you're all curious about what happened. To put it shortly, she has been kidnapped by Luke, who then forced her into marriage, and she gave birth to two children. Luke has been hitting both her and their daughter. If you want to know everything, talk to me, V, and Chris, but leave Abi alone! She has been through a lot of tough shit and I wouldn't want her to relive all that!"

While Lin was saying that I heard multiple gasps around me. Sasha pulled her arm around me, and Anthony whispered 'That son of a bitch' when they heard the news.

"Anyway, tonight we're supposed to be happy, and don't think about the last four years. So there are three rules. Rule one: No. One. Talks to Abi about what happened, unless she clearly stated that she's okay with it."

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