Abi/Kevin - Blackout

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I was sitting in the living room reading through my blocking notes from rehearsal, when suddenly all the lights went out. I carefully got up, and walked over to the kitchen, and flipped the light switch, unfortunately, nothing happened. I turned my phone flashlight on, and opened the door to see some of my neighbors doing the same.

"Adriana?" I asked, looking at my neighbor, who was also holding a flashlight.

"Blackout." She replied simply.

"I'm alone." I complained, "Kevin went out with friends."

"I'm sorry Abigail, I'd let you come in, but I just put Jasper to sleep."

"Oh, I know how hard that is, I won't impose, I'll call Kev, maybe he can come home." I smiled at her, and closed the door.

"Kevin?" I asked, after hearing the phone stop ringing.

"Yeah Bunny, what is it? You okay?" I smiled a little, going into our bedroom.

"There's a blackout at the apartment. I'm scared." I admitted.

"Wait, no electricity?" He asked.

"Yeah, Kevin, this isn't a great neighborhood." I said, and it was true, it wasn't the greatest apartment in New York, the lock on the door was cheap, and I mean, I could pick it, and I could hear gunshots out the window, this wasn't good. "Kevin, people are shooting outside the window." I said, my voice shaking.

"Bunny, I'll be there in five minutes. Stay in our room, lock the door, you'll be okay." I heard his soft voice.

"Okay. I love you." I whispered, then heard him talking to his friends, who were obviously drunk.

"Guys, I have to go, apartment lost electricity, A's home alone, she's scared." I heard his voice.

"Aw man, you were our designated driver!" I heard his friend Karl yell.

"No I wasn't."

"Yeah you were, you never drink."

"That doesn't make me your driver, listen, I don't drink because Abigail gets a little uncomfortable around alcohol, so, I don't do it."

"Oh yeah, I forgot, your wife's a pain. Little goody two-shoes, always modest, never drinks, doesn't swear." I didn't realize Karl felt this way about me, "honestly man, the sex must be fantastic for you to stay this long."

"Kevin," I whispered into the phone, "I can hear him."

"I'm so sorry Bunny, I'll be home soon, I love you okay? You're not a pain."

"Ah, so she can hear me?" Karl asked, "HEY ABIGAIL! IS KEVIN GONNA GET LUCKY TONIGHT?" I was shaking harder in bed now, "JUST TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF FO..." That was the last I heard from Karl,

"Bunny, I'll pick up candy on the way home, darling I am so so sorry."

"It's okay Kev, just get here as soon as possible. Please." I whimpered.

"On my way." He said, "should I stay on the phone when I drive?" He asked.

"No, it's okay, I'll be okay." I said.

"Alright, remember, lock the door, stay in our room, don't open the door for anyone."

"I won't." I said.

"Okay, I love you Bunny, see you in five."

"I love you too." I said, and hung up the phone, almost immediately, I called my dad.

"Peanut?" I heard his familiar voice on the line. "Why are you calling at 10:30?"

"The electricity went out." I said.

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