Abi - Past (part two)

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Abigail POV

"Mommy? Daddy?" I asked, knocking on their door one night. "I..." I tried to suck in air, mostly failing, "I can't breathe." I waited a few seconds, barely getting any air, before I pushed their door open. I saw my hand on the door knob and it looked blue.

"Abigail, go back to bed." Mommy groaned.

"I... I.... I can't breathe." I repeated, getting slightly dizzy, I was clutching Kitty for dear life.

"Laura, she's blue." Daddy said.

"She'll be fine, Ry."

"I'm gonna take her to the doctor." He sighed, "but for now, go back to bed, Abigail."

"I thought you... you said... doctors?" I fumbled my words.

"Tomorrow. It's two in the morning, they aren't open."

"Oh." I said, my vision started to blur a lot. "Can I sleep in your bed?" I asked.

"No. Now go to bed." Mommy spat.

"Please?" I asked.

"No. Do I have to take away that thing you carry around everywhere or are you gonna go to bed?" She asked.

"Don't take Kitty. Not again." I huffed a bit, hugging Kitty tightly, I noticed the room start spinning, and I started to lose my balance.

"Laura, we, oh crap." I heard Daddy say as I tumbled onto the ground, "we can't just let her suffocate."

"She's not gonna suffocate, she's just being a brat." Mommy said, and my air cut off again, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't breathe in and panic started to set in.

"I, we have to, Laura. Abigail, get up, you're too big to carry." I carefully picked myself up, clutching Kitty tightly.


"Hi Abigail." My nurse, Kelly, smiled at me as she came into my room.

I smiled a little, sitting up in bed. I couldn't talk due to a breathing mask

"So, you're not feeling well again?" She asked, pulling a chair up to my bed.

I shook my head, no.

"Is the CPAP helping?" She asked, and tapped the little mask over my mouth and nose.

I nodded happily. I had been in the hospital a lot, and they always seem to know what to do.

"Okay, honey, uh, why don't you get some sleep? It's late, and you're still quite little. You have Kitty, so you should be good." Kelly explained, and I smiled. Kelly had been my nurse at the children's hospital since I was very little. I was in the hospital a lot, one of the guys told me it was because I was born too early, and my body doesn't work quite right.

"Okay Abigail, we're gonna go back home, now hand me Kitty." She held her hand out and I shook my head furiously, clutching my friend close to me. "C'mon, you didn't do what Mommy told you to do, so I get Kitty."

"Uh, ma'am, I, I don't want to override your parenting, but, I think she should keep her toy right now, being in the hospital is tough for three year olds. It's comforting, it symbolizes safety. Just, let her keep it."

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