Bonnie and Clyde - Backstage

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September 18th 2025

"Hey, Abigail?" I heard Craig's voice and a knock at my door, "Mail call." He said.

"Oh! Really?" I smiled, and opened the door to my neat dressing room.

"Opening night haul." He laughed and handed me several packages and tons of letters, "these are from your husband." He added, handing me a large bouquet of flowers. "Along with this." He handed me a stuffed bunny, "which I don't really get." He shrugged.

"Dang." I sighed, looking around the room. "I'm glad I got here early." I laughed a little.

"Yeah." He replied with a laugh, "break a leg tonight." He nodded at me, then left.

I curled up on the couch, reading mail, and crying. A lot of this was like, really deep. It wasn't just like, we love you, break a leg, this is my Twitter username, a ton of it was about how what I went through inspired them to tell the police they were being abused, and now they've been adopted.

I looked around my dressing room. I had a basket full of fan mail, and packages, I had a large bouquet of flowers on my table, along with my make up and hair product. I had  some photos of me and my parents on the mirror, a couple of my husband, and a framed picture of my husband and I on my wedding day was sitting on the table.

There was a sign on my door that read;

Abigail Miranda
Bonnie Parker

I made it.

I actually did it. I was in a Broadway show, I was playing Bonnie Parker.

As I was contemplating whether or not I was going to wake up as a 15 year old in an abusive home or not, I heard another knock at the door.

"Come in!" I called, and the door swung open to reveal my best friend and co-star Josh, who was playing Clyde Barrow.

"Happy opening night!" He smiled, holding a bag.

"Josh!" I squealed and hugged him, "happy opening night! I brought you something." I added, reaching under my table to grab his gift.

"Oh gosh, Pip-squeak, you didn't have to do that!" He groaned, taking the bag.

"Just, just open it!" I rolled my eyes. He pulled out a signed photo of Anthony Ramos, back when he was in Hamilton, and he immediately broke out laughing. "That was like the first thing you told me," I explained laughing, "Anthony said something, and you just said 'I'm. So. Freaking. Gay' and I loved it."

"This is how you will forever remember me, as the guy who was gay for Anthony Ramos?" He asked, and I nodded, laughing.


"Okay Pip-Squeak, I bought you a gift as well." He handed me a small bag and card.

"Well, thank you Josh." I hugged him, tightly, "I'll read this later, I have time set aside to cry over everything."

"Go on, open it!" He prompted.

"Alrighty," I opened the small bag, and pulled out an opening night playbill from the first production of Bonnie and Clyde, signed by Jeremy Jordan and Laura Osnes. "How did you get this?" I asked, my jaw dropping a little.

"Long story Pip-squeak." He laughed, "there's more in there."

"Joshua. You didn't have to do this." I groaned and pulled out an original production t-shirt. "Josh!" I groaned a bit again.

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