Abi/Kevin - Hunter

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Cont. from last chapter!!!

Knock knock" I looked up briefly from my child, to see Sasha creep into the hospital room, pink balloons and a gift bag in hand.

"Sasha!" I smiled, but whispered, as not to wake Hunter.

"Oh gosh, is this her?" Sasha came over to our bed.

"Mmhm." I nodded, and incidentally woke up my sleeping husband.

"Hey, oh, uh, hi Sash." He yawned.

"Hey Kevin," she smiled at him, "what's her name?" She asked.

"Hunter Adriana Alvarez." I repeated, softly tickling her belly, which made her squirm and make cute little noises.

"I know she's pre-mature, but, oh she's so small."

"I know." Kevin said, and kissed my neck.

"I brought her something though." Sasha bent down and handed me the bag, which I opened, I pulled out a tiny pink knit hat, fit for a pre-mature baby.

"Oh goodness." I whispered, smiling, "this is the cutest hat."

"That's what I thought!" She smiled at me.

"Wait, wait, I'm putting it on." I slipped the little hat onto her head, it's pink puffball at the top.

"She's so precious, can I hold her?" She asked.

"Of course you can." I said, and carefully handed my child off to my best friend.

"I got her some other things too." Sasha said, gently rocking Hunter, "the gift shop had tons of stuff for preemies."

"Oh you didn't have to." I laughed, and reached inside the bag to pull out little onesies that were made to look like various animals. "Oh gosh, I love these." I said, looking through them.

"I'm glad." Sasha said, using a baby voice, I looked up to see her smiling at my child. Eventually Hunter started crying, "oh, the babies hungry." Sasha said, and carefully returned her.

"Well, here we go." I said, nervously, I hadn't breastfed before. I felt Kevin pull my hair to one side, and I sat up a little, I unbuttoned the maternity hospital gown, but she wouldn't latch on. "Come on baby." I said.

"I'll call a nurse, this happens all the time, my little boy wouldn't the first couple of times." Sasha left the room, to grab a nurse.

"Do you think it's because she's premature?" I asked Kevin, still trying.

"No, I have a buddy who's an obstetrician, seriously, this is normal." He smiled, "maybe I can get it." He reached over, and manipulated my breast into Hunters mouth, then lifted her arm up over her head, until I felt her latch on.

"You did it!" I smiled, and then laid back a bit. "This feels weird." I sighed.

"She's so cute." Kevin said, gently stroking her head with his finger.

The nurse came in, and we explained that we got it, so he left. Sasha sat back down, and I snuggled into my husbands arms, very focused on my child. Eventually she detached and fell asleep on me. I lifted her off of my chest, and re-swaddled her in a pink blanket. I rebuttoned my hospital gown, then relaxed in bed, holding my sleeping daughter.

"You gave birth to the cutest child." Sasha whispered.

"Didn't she?" Kevin sighed, tickling our daughter. "The nursery's not set up at all." He groaned. "And we need one of those speciality beds and such." I looked at him, his mind obviously racing.

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