Teenage Pregnancy (part 4)

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Written by Obsessive_Fan_Gurl (who wrote the other 2 teenage pregnancy one shots!!) so a big big thank you for her!! Yippee!


"Pirates, pirates are not worth your time,
Pirates, pirates shouldn't done the crime,
Pirates pirates swinging on a line
Pirate, pirates... they are gonna die,"

I groaned and crossed out the last line in my note book with a thick red pen. I was trying to write a song like a nursery rhyme for a child to sing in my novel but it just didn't seem right. It had to be simple enough that the tune came through the lyrics but it also had to be clever enough to set up what was about to happen. I  had taken to writing a novel in my spare time, about boy from Puerto Rico kidnapped by slavers  who escapes and finds himself saved by pirates where he meets and falls in love with the captain and as you can probably tell it wasn't going very well.

I closed the notebook and flopped backwards onto the bed and pulled a pillow over my face.

There was a knock at the door and I expected to see Lin about to ask why I'd been groaning and muttering to myself for the past hour but instead I found Vanessa looking nervous.

"Mom? What's wrong?" I asked. But she said nothing as she came and sat next to me on the bed. Picking up my notebook and holding it in her hands

"I got asked to take a case today." She sighed casually flipping the pages not spending enough time to read anything. Almost as if she just needing something to do with her hands. "A young girl and her parents pressing charges against luke."

"Oh." I hadn't seen luke in almost 2 months he'd stop wanting visitation after the whole ordeal with Kevin. I had been hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with him ever.

"She's pressing charges because he sexuality assaulted her." Vanessa informed presumably trying to keep her professional attitude but failing. "I know you didn't want to press charges, because you didn't want anything to do with him, but Abi you may be able to help her case."

I didn't know what to do or what to say. I had turned down luke repeatedly, I was his best friends ex foster sister. I had thought I had been a one of situation. But as far as I knew this girl wasn't any of the things I had been. "When you say sexually assaulted do you mean ..." God even a year on I couldn't bring myself to say what he had done to me.

"Unfortunately yes. Brittany is a freshman at your old high school. I don't know the full story, if I take the case I'll sit down and talk with her soon." Vanessa looked torn. "Sweetheart if you don't want me to take the case, or if you don't want to help I understand."

"But?" I asked knowing she wanted to do something.

"I want to help this girl, I want luke locked away, hell part of me. A part I don't even want to think about wants him dead. After everything he put you through and now."

"Take the case." I turned and put my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her something I felt I never did anymore, human interaction was never my strong point but I'd always loved Vanessa's motherly hugs and would take them any chance I could before the attack. "I'll help anyway I can,"


It was a week before the trial. I had taken the day off of work. I knew in theory I should be finalising everything in the office but I wasn't the only one working the case and I knew Brad and I had worked up a damn strong case. I couldn't take abi's side of the case due to the family connection. But brad had talked to her about every detail calling Lin in for the touchy topics just for Abi's sake.

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