Abi/Kevin - Home Sick

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"Morning Kevie." I moaned, pushing myself up in bed.

"Hello my love." He said, rolling over, "oh! Sweetheart!" He seemed surprised.

"What?" I asked.

"Honey, you're sweating, dry lips, oh." He placed his hand on my forehead, "you have a fever, you're all clammy and warm. Darling you're sick."

"No I'm not, I'm not sick. We open in a week, I have rehearsal, dress rehearsal, all day, Kev, I can't be sick." I started to push myself up in bed then my husbands grip on my waist pulled me back to him.

"No, you need to stay in bed, you're sick, I'll take a day off, sweetie, call Joe." He kissed my head, "he'll understand."

"No, we're in tech." I protested, "I can't, I can't miss rehearsal." I whimpered, trying to weasel out of my husbands arm, however he was adamant about keeping me next to him in bed.

"Shh, just, okay, close your eyes, think about what would happen if you missed rehearsal."

"You're trying to make me sleep." I protested, letting my heavy eyelids close.

"Mmhm." I heard him, right as I drifted off on his chest.

Kevins POV

I gently stroked my wife's hair as I heard her mumble about meaningless topics. I took her phone from the bedside table, and called her director.

"Hey Abigail, what's up?" I heard him answer the phone.

"Actually, it's Kevin, um, A's sick, she's burning up, super clammy, I'm so sorry, I don't think she can come in."

"Oh." I heard him sigh, "I'm sorry she's sick, I hope she feels better, yeah, have her get some rest, feel better, so she can be back as soon as possible."

"Yeah, she's out..." I was cut off by her taking the phone from me.

"Joe, Joe, I'm coming in, I may be a little late, but I will be there I swear."

"No, honey," I heard his voice on the other end of the call, "stay home, listen to your husband, stay in bed. Abigail you're doing great, we'll put Mari in, she'll just get a little more work in the show. We need you to get better."

"No, I, I need to be there." I rolled my eyes a bit, and took the phone back.

"She'll be back tomorrow Joe. Bye." I hung up and set her phone down.

"Kevin." She whined,

"I'm sorry dearest Bunny Rabbit. Your health is more important." I kissed the top of her head lightly.

"It really isn't." She protested, "I need to be there."

"Okay, well, if you go into work, you'll kiss Josh, then Josh'll get sick, then he'll kiss Chris and Chris'll get sick, then three of your leads are out for previews."

"But, Kev, you have to go into work." She realized.

"I'll call my supervisor, one sec." I kissed her head and dialed. "Mark?" I said, "hey, hey Mark, can I put you on speaker?" I asked, and Mark said yes, so I put the phone on speaker and set it next to us. "Mark, you're on with my wife and I."

"Oh! Really? Hi Abigail." He said, and I smiled a little, my supervisor was a big Bonnie and Clyde fan.

"Hi." She mumbled, trying to squirm away

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