Meeting Kevin (Kevin POV)

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It was around 8:30 am, I had already been at work for an hour or so, and I was already dead tired. I had had this coffee job for a while now and was considering quitting and finding new work. It had been around a year, and I was still making minimum wage, and they refused to let me work full time. Honestly, there was nothing really keeping me here.

"Hi, welcome to Rockford Coffeehouse, what can I get you?" I asked, for the millionth time, smiling at a girl who looked to be about two years younger than me.

"Um," She took a sharp breath, "Venti white mocha with cinnamon and two shots of espresso."

"Okay." I smiled, and chuckled a little, biting my lip. She was pretty, and had a really cute accent, "and what's your name?"

"Abigail." She smiled.

"Awesome." I smiled back, and she moved over to wait. A few minutes later, I was trying to get the cap onto her cup, then spotted her standing against the wall, and yelled, "Venti white mocha, cinnamon, two shots of espresso, for the British chick, dressed like a bunny."

"Um, hi. Excuse me, I'm not British?" The girl walked up to the counter, and took the drink from me, a confused look covering her slightly red face.

"Okay, well, you have a bit of an accent." I shrugged.

"Oh! I've, I've been trying to shake this, I was in London for a year." She groaned a little, trying to force an American accent back out.

"Were you legal?" I asked, leaning on the counter. She was funny, especially with her little mixed accent.

"Work visa." She rolled her eyes a little, and I was taken aback.

"Woah, what kind of a job do you have? I would of pegged you at 16-17?" I laughed a little bit, the end of what was going to be a statement curled up into a question towards the end.

"17, and my dad had, had this thing." She took a deep breath, seemingly a little annoyed with me, which wasn't new, "also, I gave you my name...." She trailed off, looking at me expectantly.

"Kevin." I pointed towards my name badge. "And I know, Abigail right?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Where did the bunny thing come from?" Abigail asked, and I stifled a laugh, looking at her outfit. It was adorable, and wintery, but all it needed was a pair of bunny ears. I leaned further over the counter, my feet leaving the ground for a second as I checked to see if everything matched the white aesthetic.

"Okay, white boots, white stockings, a white dress, with a white sweater, and a white jacket, with a white scarf and white hat." I listed, "and your nails." I finished, as an afterthought.

"Okay." She laughed a bit, "I see that one." I smiled, she was kind of warming up to me.

"ALVAREZ!" I heard my manager yell, and I looked up immediately, scared, "get back to work, I'm not paying you to flirt with the customers!" I flushed a light shade of red, and Abigail smiled.

"SORRY!" I yelled back, looking towards the 17 year old, embarrassed.

"I should let you get back." She waved a little, taking a step backwards.

"Yeah, uh, I'll see you around, it's a small city." I joked, biting the inside of my lip, and taking a step backwards from the counter,

"It's really not." She laughed.

"Bye British bunny chick!" I waved, as Abigail was leaving.

"Abigail!" She shouted.

"I know." I chuckled as the bell signaled to me that the door to the coffee shop was closed, and she had left.

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