Hunter - Coming Out

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Hunter's POV

I stood in front of the door to my apartment, nervously rubbing my girlfriends hand. She was coming over to dinner, and I was going to finally tell my parents we were dating. (T YES FINALLY AFTER WRITING INTO MY PLOT LINE A LGBT CHARACTER ABI HAS ONE.)

"Hunter, sweetheart, they'll be fine with it, I promise, isn't one of your moms closest friends gay?" Angel asked me, gently rubbing my arm.

"Yeah, Josh, but they were in a show together, had their Broadway debut together they had to be friends." I sighed, "I'm just, I'm nervous, I want them to like you." I gently kissed her forehead.

"They do like me, they've known me for like, a year." Angel reminded me, "now, come on." She pulled the door open, and walked in.

"Hunter? Angel? Is that you?" I heard my mom call from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I called back.

"Your dad is almost done with dinner." She announced, coming into the living room. "Angel, you wanna stay?"

"If that's alright with you, Mrs. Alvarez." My girlfriend said, politely.

"Of course, you're always welcome here." My mom smiled.

"A? Can I have some help?" I heard my dad in the kitchen.

"Of course!" My mom hurried back into the kitchen, and helped my father set the table. "Okay girls, dinner time."

"You nervous?" Angel asked me, as we walked over to the table.

"Uh, definitely." I whispered.

"Just, take a deep breath, everything's gonna be fine." She lightly rubbed my arms, and we sat down next to each other.

"So, what did you gi-"

"Mom, Dad?" I cut my father off, trying to get this over with. "Uh, I have something to tell you. I really love you, and I hope you have still care about me after I tell you this." I nervously bit my lip.

"Baby, we'll always love you. You're my little girl." My mom smiled at me, and squeezed my hand over the table.

"Angel and I are dating." I blurted, and my mom's smile spread into a grin.

"Really?" She asked, happy.

"Is that okay? Are you upset with me?"

"No! Of course not, this is exciting, Hunter!" My dad also seemed happy. "Should... should I make a cake?" (T: Oh Kevin, my sweet, young, adorable Kevin, the answer is obvious, OF COURSE YOU SHOULD MAKE A CAKE, CAKE IS THE BEST THING EVER)

"Wait, wait, Dad, why?" I asked.

"It's your first girlfriend! Oh, sweetheart!" He exclaimed, "I'll make a cake." He announced. (T: good on you Kevoooo)


After dinner, Angel was in the bathroom, and I was in the living room with my mom.

"Mom, are you... are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked.

"Of course, you know your dad and I aren't homophobic. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you two dating. I think you make a really cute couple." She said, and gave me a gentle hug. (T: I do too)

"Thanks." I sighed.

"Okay girls, I have cake." My dad announced, coming out of the kitchen, with a chocolate cake. "Where's my baby's girlfriend?" He asked, looking around the room. (T: Kevin stop being so cute)

"Bathroom." I shrugged.

"Ah." He sat down, setting the cake on the coffee table. "So, how long have you been keeping your first girlfriend a secret, hmm?" My Dad asked, "a week? A month? A year? Since daycare? Hmm?" He gave options and I laughed.

"It's been a couple weeks." I admitted. "We were nervous. I didn't want you guys to resent me for being bi."

"Aw, Cupcake, we've had a hunch for a little while." My Dad laughed, and I looked at him oddly.

"How?" I asked.

"When your mom was in Wicked, one of the times I took you to see it, you got all dressed up, and made two little heart shaped letters. You delivered them to Leo, who played Fiyero, and Christie, who played Elphaba. You were very very red and nervous and shy, and you wouldn't stop talking about how handsome Leo was, and how pretty Christie was, and we put signed pictures of them on your wall to shut you up." He explained in a long run on sentence.

"Oh." I flushed red, remembering that. "You didn't just assume I found Christie objectively pretty?"

"We didn't know. Well, I mean, we sorta assumed you had a cute little kid crush on her, just because you acted like that." My mom explained.

"Also, I mean, the heart shaped, pink, glittery letter, Cupcake. I'm pretty sure Christie knew." My dad laughed.

"Oh." I flushed a deep shade of red.

"So, we just want to let you know, we'd never resent you for being bi." My mom rubbed my shoulder, "but we're gonna celebrate you coming out." She announced, and started to cut the cake.



Part two to come

- Abi

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