Abi/Madison Crossover

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Tori Here! So I'm the one that annotates for Abi, and less more known, I have my own book, called, 'To Build A Home'. It's a HamilFic about Madison (the new girl in this chapter) who's in the system and gets fostered out of an orphanage. Anyway, today's update is a character crossover. I hope you enjoy, even if you've never read my book. This is obviously an AU and won't have anything to do with the respective storylines of either book.

January 24, 2020

After hours of preparation for the monumental day, Lin, Vanessa, now five year old son, Sebastian, and I were headed to pick up a fourteen year old named Madison. I hadn't met her yet, due to being crazy busy with college, but they'd been in contact with my old social worker, Rebecca Larson, for a year and finally had gotten authorized to foster again.

"We're here," Vanessa announced, grabbing my attention, and getting out of the car.

"Okay," I responded with a smile, unbuckling my seat as Lin got Sebastian out of his booster seat.

"Hey V, go on ahead of me with Seb," Lin called to Vanessa as we headed towards the building. "I need to talk to Abi for a second, alone."

This prompted me to discontinue walking and turn to face my father who was beside me. I saw Vanessa give Lin a knowing smile before she nodded and walked ahead of us.

"What's up?" I asked him curiously.

"I just want to make sure that you'll be okay with this." Lin responded with a serious look on his face.

"What do you mean?" I questioned with a laugh.

"Well I just don't want you to feel like this is gonna make you less important to us, because it doesn't."

"I know Dad," I replied giggling at his caution.

"Are you sure Mijita?" He asked me seriously. "Madison's had a pretty rough past and will need a lot of our attention."

"Dad, seriously, its fine, I'm almost a twenty-year-old," I reminded him.

"I'm aware Niñita, but I just need to make sure that you'll be fine with this." He responded.

"Dad, are you sure you're not just trying to stall?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lin asked me.

"Whenever you're nervous about something, you stall like you are now." I responded.

"I do not," Lin said defensively.

"Yes, you do," I argued.

Lin opened his mouth to rebuttal, but sighed in defeat. "You're right," He declared. "I'm just nervous that Madison's gonna end up hating me, or I won't be able to be as good a father as you say I am."

"What would make you think that?" I asked him, shocked.

"I don't know, but I just feel like I'm overconfident."

"Dad, you're gonna be fine," I assured. "Look at me, I'm going to NYU for Musical Theatre, I'm dating a great guy, and happier than ever. If it weren't for you being such a great father, I would't be here." I reminded him. "Madison needs you,"

"All right," Lin whispered.

"Let's get in there," I responded, taking his hand into mine.

After what felt like hours of paper work, the door opened and an orphanage hand along with who I assumed to be Madison finally came in. Madison was a small girl, she was super tiny, like me, but I'm probably a bit taller than her. Madison gave Lin and Vanessa a sweet smile, before giving me a polite grin, which I returned.

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