Abi - What If... (part four)

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"Abigail, its morning, up up up." I woke up to Kevin nudging me. I groaned a bit, then pushed myself up.

"Hi." I frowned.

"Aw, A's sad, why is A sad?" He asked.

"I'm not going to school today." I decided, sliding back into bed.

"Yeah you are, I'm sorry honey, you have to go to school, get up get up get up." Kevin shook me, and I hid even further under the blankets. "Okay. Be that way." He huffed a little, and stood up.

"Now I'm cold, and sad, look what you did to me." I whined a little, from under the blankets.

"Hey, you wouldn't get up." Kevin noted, and I heard him leave the room.

"Abigail," I heard Mrs. Alvarez' voice in the room, "do you want pancakes? I know you don't want to go to school, or go home, I'll make pancakes, and a special lunch." She lightly shook me, and I tossed the blankets off of me. "There you are." She smiled, and ruffled my hair. "Why don't you get ready for the day?"

"Kay." I said.

"Mmkay." She gave me a smile, then left the room.

I pulled on the clothes I had been wearing for the week, and braided my long brown hair to the side. After a little while, I had realized this was the best I could look without makeup or a change of clothes.

"I'm done." I sighed, sitting by Kevin at the counter.

"Mmkay." She smiled, and pushed a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Kevin, pass me the juice." She requested.

"Oh, I don't, I don't need juice." I mumbled as the boy next to me poured it.

"Don't you dare try and be polite now." Kevin laughed, and pecked my cheek. I blushed madly, as he pulled away. I saw his mom smiling to herself, "you've lived with us for a week, you're family."

"Kay." I mumbled and drank a little.

"Good morning." Mr. Alvarez said, coming into the room. "I have to run, sweetheart." He sighed a little, then kissed his wife. "Have a good day Mijo." He kissed Kevin's head, then pulled me into a little hug. "I'll miss you, sweetie, you're welcome here anytime." He pulled away, and grabbed his bag, leaving the apartment.

"Alright Kiddos, here are lunches, off to school now." She smiled, and handed us paper bags.

"Bye Mom." Kevin smiled, and stood up, "c'mon A." He grabbed my hand, and pulled me up.

"Bye Mrs. Alvarez." I gave her a smile, "thank you so much." I said, then Kevin pulled me out of the apartment.


That day, at lunch, I slipped down into a corner and pulled out the paper bag I used for my lunch. I checked inside to see what Mrs. Alvarez had packed. I smiled a bit seeing goldfish, a sandwich, a bag of skittles, and a folded over piece of paper. I grabbed the piece of paper, and pulled it open.

We really did enjoy having you stay over for the week. You're a little sweetheart, and Kevin does like spending time with you. I don't know much about your current home situation, and I have a question. Should I call Child Protective Services? I mean, they kicked you out onto the streets, you're a teenage girl, and this is NYC. I mean, obviously they aren't stellar parents, and I don't know, it just seems really bad overall. I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my boundaries. Anyways, I won't call the cops if you don't want me to, just, try and stay safe, sweetheart. A lot of people really care about you, stay safe.
Much Love,
Amanda Alvarez

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