Betsy - Visitation

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This was written by flyingthroughthewind !! It's great and I love it!

Betsy's POV

'Three days,' Natasha said. 'I've seem to have been in love with him for a hundred years. I'm sure I've never been in love before. You wouldn't understand. Sonya. Wait a minute – come here and sit here.' Natasha hugged and kissed her.

I looked up from my book as I heard footsteps coming to my room. I saw Mom and Dad coming towards my room. I sighed, knowing I would have to stop reading. I watched them as they stopped at my doorway.

"Hey Betsy, we need to talk" Mom said, looking nervous. She looked back to Dad, and he just rubbed her shoulder. I gave them a confused look, not knowing what was going on.

"Come on sweetie, let's go talk in the kitchen" he said, as he started walking towards the kitchen. I got up from my twin bed and walked with them into the small kitchen. They sat themselves together, and I sat on the other side, waiting.

I knew this couldn't lead to anything good. My mother's stressful eyes gave that away in a heartbeat. I took in a deep breath. Did someone die? What was going on?

"Honey, Luke...since he's had good behavior in prison, they're allowing him to have visitation time with you. It's only for 20 minutes, but I'm sorry" she said, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Mom, it's not your fault that he requested it. Don't be sorry" I said trying to make her feel better.

"You don't deserve to have to see him. After all that he did..." she said. Dad was still trying to comfort her.

"Mom, I know. I'll be fine, it's only 20 minutes. I'm 15, I can handle this." I said with a sigh, trying to act like I wasn't a little nervous. She smiled a bit.

"It's good to know we raised such a brave girl" she said to Dad. He smiled and looked back at her.

"Well, it's easy to see who she gets it from" he said to her. I smiled at the two of them.
I didn't understand why he would want to see me after all these years. I was surprised that he didn't ask to see Anthony. He didn't remember Luke. He was only a baby at the time. I remembered him though. I took another deep breath of air, trying to calm myself. I had to do this.


​I was in a prison. I never thought I would end up in one of those. It was weird. I was walking down a gray hallway to the visitation center. My heart was racing. I was getting led by a police officer who had a stone cold face. The closer I got to the center, the more I wanted to run in the other way and run into Mom and Dad's arms.

​As we walked into the room, I looked down and not at the prisoners on the other side of the glass. I kept walking until the officer directed me to one booth. I sat down. I didn't want to look up. I didn't want to grab the phone. I didn't want to do any of this.

​I finally forced my head up to look at him. He was looking back at me. He was sorta of what I had remember, but also...different. His tired eyes stared back at mine. His skin was almost gray, to match the walls. He had a dead look on his face. Like father like daughter I guess.
​I picked up the old looking phone from the wall and just held it. He seemed to be in a sort of trance almost, not comprehending that he needed to pick up the phone if he was going to talk. Well, at least if all he did was stare, I wouldn't have to talk to him.

​After a minute he finally stopped staring at me with wide eyes and picked up the phone.

​"You look so much like your mother" he said, his voice gravely.

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