Hunter - Party

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Hunter is 15 when this happens (written by Ava_Hamilton )

Hunter p.o.v

It was 10:30. I was getting ready to sneak out to a party. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't the type of person to go sneaking out to parties every weekend, but my new friend Kaylee invited me. This weekend I'm staying at Abuelo and Abuela's house so this is my one chance to have fun without having reproductions.

I slipped on a nice lavender dress. The top was all lace with long sleeves and a sheer purple skirt. This was my chance. I opened my door and walked across the hallway. Frick, my heels made a lot of noise. No, they took me a long time to get on I'm just going to have to make a run for it. Just like that I was out the door.

Lins p.o.v

It was 10:30 and I couldn't sleep. I was so nervous because Hunter was staying with us for the weekend while Abi and Kevin went to Florida. I know she's my granddaughter and I shouldn't be nervous but I haven't had to deal with a fifteen year old girl in a long time. Vanessa said I would be fine but I'm still nervous.

I was bored so I decided to scroll through Twitter. Just then I heard the click Clack of heels against the floor of our apartment. I franically checked to see if Vanessa was still in bed. She was. Then I heard the front door shut. There is only one other person that could have been. Hunter. I panicked and shook Vanessa awake. She opened her eyes and groggily rolled over.

"Lin, what time is it and why did you wake me up?" She mumbled.

"We have a problem." I said

"Well then let's just deal with it in the morning."

"Its Hunter."

She sat bolt upright and immediately looked 10,000 times more awake. "What happened is she ok!!" She panicked.

"I think she snuck out to a party." I admitted and Vanessa expression hardened.

"How do you know that"

"I heard her leave."

"What should we do then?" She asked, sounding defeated.

"I think we should wait for her to get home, see what she has to say for herself and decide from there. There's no point in trying to find her now."

Hunter p.o.V

Two hours later

The music was blaring and I was feeling very akward. Someone brought alcohol and Kaylee had run off somewhere with her boyfriend Karter. I was beginning to think I should leave when someone screamed .

"The cops are here!!"

Lins p.o.v

It's been two hours since hunter left. V and I were starting to get really worried What if she got hurt? Abigail would kill me. I guess we're going to have to wait for her to come home.

Hunter p.o.v

I could hear the sirens blaring. I had to get out of here. I look over at the back door. It was way too crowded I would never get out in time.

Just then I saw my only means of escape. The window. The drop wasn't that far, only about 5 ft. The problem was there was a bush right outside the window. I did have time to think, I just jumped.

As I was jumping I cut my ankle on the bush but I had to keep running. Every step I took hurt as more and more blood gushed down my leg but I had to keep going. Soon. Enough I got to the apartment. I don't know how I'm going to explain my cut in the morning.

I carefully opened the door. I started to walk back to my room.

"Hunter Adriana Alvarez where do you think your going?"

Oh no. It was Abuelo.

"And what happened to your leg!" He yelled. He was MAD.

Then Abuela walked out. I saw the look of disappointment in her eyes. I had disappointed them. I don't know why but that just really got to me. It started with one tear. Then another, then a third one until I was on the ground sobbing.

Both of their expretions softened. Abuelo picked me up and gently set me on the couch.

"V, go get Hunter a bandage." He requested, and Vanessa went to the bathroom to go look for it. "Why Nieta?" Abuelo asked

"I... I wanted to have fun and and she was my new friend and she seemed so nice I just I'm sorry please don't tell Mom." I half sobbed. I was a mess.

"It's okay Nieta. It's okay, I won't tell them this time, but if it happens again I'm going to have to tell them."

"Okay Abuelo it won't I promise."

V came back and wrapped my leg in a bandage. We spent the rest of the night talking. All was well.



This was written by Ava_Hamilton


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