Abi (past) - Choir Concert

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A/n: Abi is in 7th grade, still with her birth parents in Oregon

The audience applauded as we finished our last song. I had a solo, and it went great. My parents had been getting really annoyed with me for practicing all the time, and they didn't like the fact that it was in Latin, they thought it was weird. I was just hoping that they'd hear me do it, and understand why I was practicing. I ran off of the risers in the gym, looking for my parents in the the mass of people.

After looking for a little while, I borrowed a phone from a girl in my choir named Kaitlyn, and dialed my dads cell phone.

"Dad?" I asked into the phone, "I can't find you and mom, but I'm in the commons, by the gym." I explained.

"Oh. Uh, we're, we couldn't make it." He said, and my heart sunk a little.

"Okay. Um. Can you pick me up?" I asked.

"Sure. I can't leave right now, but, I'll send Steve, you know Steve from down the street, right?"

"Mmhm." I nodded, tears starting to well in my eyes.

"Okay. Bye Abigail." He hung up the phone and I handed it back to Kaitlyn.

I sighed a little, and wrapped my arms tightly around my waist. I watched all the families with their kids, and saw everyone with their flowers, taking pictures with their grandparents, and friends, and everyone seemed so happy. A tear slipped from my eye, and I immediately stopped it before it even made it halfway down my cheek. I took a deep breath, looked up, and let the breath out slowly. Trying to keep from crying in public.

"Abigail?" I looked up to see my choir teacher, Mrs. Johnson standing next to me. "You okay, sweetie?" She asked.

"Mmhm." I forced a smile and nodded.

"Okay, well, can you meet me in the choir room?" She asked, smiling.

"Sure." I smiled back, and walked over to the choir room, sitting in my place in the risers. About a minute later, she walked in with a kid in my class, who sang tenor, named Justin.

"Well," she smiled at the two of us, as Justin sat down next to me. "I have good news. You both made nationals." She beamed proudly, handing both of us manila envelopes.

"I did?" I asked, shocked, opening the envelope, and pulling out an informational packet.

"Yes, congratulations." She smiled, and started to tell us how to register. After she finished, Justin and I were walking out together, when I saw his parents rush over to him.

"What was it about, Justin?" His mom asked.

"I made nationals!" He said, excited, handing her the envelope. I stood back a bit, watching his parents congratulate him, then I left, and went outside. I sat on the curb, waiting for my neighbor to pick me up. I was hugging my nationals packet to my chest. I was really proud of myself. I payed the hundred dollar audition fee myself, with money I made from mowing lawns and babysitting.

"Hey," I looked up to see a guy walk past me, "you sounded great." He said, and I smiled.

"Thanks." I whispered. Then saw my neighbors car pull up. "Hi Steve," I smiled, getting in the car, "thanks for picking me up."

"No problem." He smiled at me.


"I'm home!" I called to my parents, as I walked in the door, "I have news!" I walked into the living room, where they both sat on the couch, doing a lot of paperwork.

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