Abi - Past (part 1)

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Abi's Mom POV

"I HATE YOU!" I screamed at my husband during labor, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT AND I HATE YOU."

"Laura, it's not my fault the condom broke." He spat back. "You should have been on birth control."

"I HATE YOU RYAN." I screamed, and squeezed his hand tightly, pushing.

"Maybe you should be sterilized, then we wouldn't be fighting about this, and we wouldn't have wasted money on the abortion."

"IT wouldn't have been wasted if we did it sooner." I said, clenching my teeth. "But no, 'we had plenty of time'." I argued.

"Ms. Edminston, one more and we have it, okay?" My doctor said.

"Okay, okay." I groaned, and pushed again. I felt something come out of me, and I exhaled, falling back onto the bed.

"Congratulations! It's a precious little girl." My doctor smiled, and started to hand her to me. "Now, we need to take her into intensive care, because she's pre-mature, but you can hold her."

"No, just, just take her to intensive care." I decided, waving her off.

"Oh, uh, are you sure?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Oh. Uh, just, just tell the nurse her name, and sign the birth certificate, I'll take her to the NICU."

"Okay, what's your name?" I asked.

"Leigh." My doctor smiled.

"Okay, thanks." I smiled a little and she left the room.

"Hey, Ryan, can you hand me the baby name book?" I asked, and he handed me the spiral bound book on the table. I flipped to the girl section, saw the first name listed, then closed it.

"So, have you decided?" The nurse asked, smiling a little.

"Abigail Leigh Edminston." I said, and signed my name at the bottom, and saw my husband follow suit.

"That's lovely." The nurse smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, when can I go home?" I asked.

"Well, since Abigail was pre-mature, we'd like to keep you here until she can properly roll over by herself."

"What does being pre-mature have to do with anything?" My husband questioned.

"Well, uh, um, she'll be just like any other kid when she grows up, but right now she's behind in her development, and she needs the constant care so that she can survive her first few weeks."

"Is that really necessary? Can't we just take her home?"

"Uh, no. It's completely necessary to have Abigail in intensive care, she, I don't know how to say this, but, unfortunately, she may not make it."

"Oh." I shrugged, "uh, do, do I have the right as her mother to overrule the hospitals decision on that?" I asked.

"No. I'm sorry ma'am, she would have a very low chance of survival."

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