Luke AU - Police Part 8

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I was sitting by Abigail at a restaurant, and she was leaned on me, her head in my shoulder, reading my menu.

"When are they supposed to get here?" I asked, curiously.

"They're flying in from Chicago, so, I don't know." She shrugged. "I'll text them."

"Okay." I smiled, kissing her head as she pulled her phone out.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, "ten minutes!"


"Hello, I'm Youssef, I'll be your server today." The waiter said, and I smiled seeing the guy around my age, "can I take drink orders?"

"Um, do you know what your parents would want?" I whispered to Abigail.

"Mmhm. Um, hi!" She smiled up at the waiter, "My parents will be here in ten, um, can I get a whiskey, re—"

"How old are you?" He asked and I saw her face go extremely red.

"I'm sorry, I forgot."

"If I order it is it good?" I asked, and the waiter laughed a little and nodded.

"I know it's for your parents sweetheart, it's a legal thing," Youssef smiled at my girlfriend, "I'm guessing you're of age." He turned to me.

"Of course." I nodded, pulling my drivers license out. "I'm 22."

"Fantastic. So a whiskey and a..."

"Merlot." I added, Abigail was about to say red wine, and that was a pretty safe choice.

"Great! And for you two?"

"Two diet cokes." I concluded.

"We'll be right back out with those." He nodded, and walked away.

"Two more months and I'm 21." Abigail sighed.

"Are you gonna drink?" I asked, curiously.

"I dunno." She shrugged, "maybe."


"Everyone drinks, okay?" She decided.

"I don't." I pointed out, "But hey it's your call." I chuckled slightly, and kissed her hair. "What are you eating?"

"Caesar salad." She smiled, dropping her head into my shoulder.

"That sounds nice." I smiled, and pulled my arm around her.

"Hey!" I peeked my head up, hearing Lin's voice, and saw Mr. and Mrs. Miranda walk over to our booth. "How did everything go?" Lin asked, sitting down across from us.

"Kev punched him." Abigail said, calmly.

"You what?!" My dad exclaimed, "Wait you hit him? Like seriously?"

"He was saying stuff he shouldn't have been saying and it pissed me off." I explained, "I've had to listen to him run his mouth off for months with no consequences and I finally lost it."

"Kev he's in prison for 25 years, there were consequences." My girlfriend pointed out, "not that I'm complaining, you had every right to hit him."

"He's not in prison for what he said." I pointed out, "anyways, how was Chicago?"

"Fine, we're sorry we couldn't come to the jail though." Vanessa added.

"Don't be." Abigail laughed, "it was awful."

"That's sort of why." Her dad chuckled a little.

"But I'm divorced now!" She exclaimed.

"Mmhm." Her mom nodded.

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