Abi/Kev - Chris' Approval

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Abi's POV

My mom and dad were on vacation with Seb for a week or two, but I wanted to stay behind. As much as I loved them, the highlight of my day was always coming to the theater, and pulling shenanigans with the cast backstage. Chris had been letting me stay at his house. After all, he is my godfather.

On one of our previous dates, I had asked Kev if he would want to come backstage someday to see what it's like. He decided that he would come sometime towards the end of the week that I was staying with Chris, since it worked best with his schedule.

Friday eventually came along, and Kev sent me a text letting me know that he'd be coming that day. After we managed to get through the typical city traffic, Chris and I parked the car at a garage near the theater. As we were a block or two away, Chris asked,

"Your boyfriend is coming tonight, right?" My cheeks heated up, and he smirked at me.

"Yeah, he is." I said, trailing off in thought. I hadn't seen Kevin for a week or two, so I was excited to take him backstage and show him what I'm always hyped up about.

"Alright, but one rule from Old Man Chris," He said, clearing his throat.

"No funny business backstage. If your dad came home from vacation and found out I let you get pregnant, he'd kill me. Stay innocent for awhile, kid." He said, giving me a pat on the back. I chuckled at how fatherly he was being towards me, then gave him a side hug.

"I love you, Chris. You know that, right?"

"Of course kiddo, and I love you too." He responded, then messed up my hair.

"Hey, that took me awhile to straighten!" I yelled playfully as I combed through my hair with my fingers, in hopes of fixing it. We arrived at the theater, and headed our separate ways. I hung out with Groff since he was alone without Lin being there. He went on and on about how he might have to steal "my man" from me if he thought Kev was cute.

As I was laughing for what seemed like hours, my phone started to ring. I turned my head to the vanity, where my phone was blasting its ringtone.

"What's this, a call from the boyfriend?" Groff said with a gasp. I tried to run over and grab it, but I was too late, and he already picked up the phone for me.

"Your girlfriend looks like a small tomato right now, I think she's quite excited to see you tonight-" I cut him off from his King George accent by grabbing my phone, and telling Kevin I'd be at the stagedoor in a minute.

"Groff, why did you do that?" I whined playfully.

"Because you're in love and I'm jealous!" He whined back at me. We both chuckled, and then I made my way to the stagedoor. I knocked on it from the inside so that the security guard knew I was about to open the door, then peeped my head outside. I saw Kevin waiting next to the security guard with a smile, then I invited him inside.

We went to Lin's dressing room, where a smirking Groff was sitting on the couch.

"Kevin, this is the annoying old man who answered my phone a few minutes ago. Groff, this is my boyfriend, Kevin." I said, introducing them to each other.

"Nice to meet you, but if things don't work out with Abi, I'm here." Groff said as he shook Kevin's hand. I tried to hold back my laugh, but it didn't work.

"Only jokes, only jokes. Treat this kid like a princess, though. It's what she deserves." Groff said to Kevin. I then took Kev over to Chris' dressing room. All week, I had been asked by Chris if he could meet Kev.

"Knock knock," I said, peeping my head into Chris' dressing room.

"Hey kiddo, is the boy here?" He asked curiously. I have him a nod, then walked in with Kevin following me.

"Kevin, this is Chris, my godfather. Chris, this is Kevin, my boyfriend." I said, introducing Kevin to a man who would be judging his every move.

"Kevin, I've heard so much about you. You really make this girl happy." Chris said, giving Kev a pat on the back.

"I'm glad I can do that," Kev said with a smile. I had to go to the bathroom, so I ended up leaving Chris and Kev alone for a little while.

• • •

Chris' POV

"Now that Abi isn't here, I want to have talk with you." I said, sitting Kevin down on one of the chairs in my dressing room.

"O-okay, sir." He said nervously.

"You're not in trouble Kevin, you're a good kid. I just want you to know that Abi is a really fragile girl, so treat her like you would an antique lamp. Very valuable, but just as fragile. She's been through a lot, so you being there for her is vital to her living." I said, feeling like Abi's father for a moment.

"Yes, sir." Kevin said, still sounding a little nervous.

"Call me Chris, you don't need to keep doing the whole 'sir' thing. Why are you so nervous?" I asked, genuinely.

"I'm just scared I'm going to do something wrong. Sometimes when you have an antique lamp, you slip and break it. You do everything you can to put it back together, but, it's never the same. I just want to give Abi everything she deserves and more." He admitted with a sigh.

"Love is a tough road, kid, but I know that you and Abi have something special. Even though I'm not her dad, I'm her godfather, and I'll always look out for her. I approve of you guys, just like Lin. We like you Kevin, you're part of the family now." I said, trying to ease him. Abi came back into the room, then asked,

"Kev, do you want to go meet Daveed and Oak? I think you'll like them!"

"Of course! It was nice meeting and talking to you, Chris." He said nicely. I gave him a nod, then watched the two lovebirds walk out happily.

I realized that Abi really is an antique lamp, and she's been broken multiple times in her past. Somehow, just somehow, myself and the rest of the cast managed to put her back together seamlessly. Kevin was also part of that process, leaving me with a smile on my face and a lot of passion in my performance that night.


Thanks for reading!

- Abi

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