Hunter (Part 4)

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Kevin's POV

"HUNTER!" I screamed as I watched her let go of the railing. We were on the 47th floor, there's no way she survived that. I ran over to the fire escape and looked down. My heart somersaulted as I saw her foot caught in someone else's fire escape a couple floors down. She was dangling by her bare foot.

I ran down the fire escape, down the two floors, and knelt next to her. I carefully grabbed her foot, and started pulling her up. The bars were pretty close together, so eventually I had to stop and I reached over the side and grabbed her waist, pulling her up.

I got her back up to our floor, and ran into my room, flipping the lights on.

"Abigail, Abigail, get up." I said frantically.

"What is it?" She asked, pushing herself up in bed. "Why is... Hunter?" She whispered, terrified. "What happened to her?"

"She jumped. A, she jumped off of the fire escape." I explained through tears.

"Is she okay? Is she alive? Please Kevie, is she alive?" My wife asked, crying as well. "She has to be okay, I can't lose her, I can't lose my little girl."

"I don't know, I'm too scared to check." I admitted, then carefully pressed my fingers onto her pulse. I found it beating softly. "She's alive. She's alive she's alive she's alive." I exhaled, "we're going to the hospital."


Abigail's POV

I was sitting in a hospital waiting room, leaned on Kevin's shoulder, and staring at the two letters Hunter left us.

"I don't want to open it." I sighed, seeing Mom written in her small handwriting.

"You don't have to, she's gonna be just fine." Kevin said, rubbing my shoulder, "she probably wouldn't want us to, I mean, if she's alive."

"Mmkay." I sighed again, and a nurse walked over to us.

"Mr and Mrs. Alvarez?" She clarified.

"Yeah?" I nodded, sitting up straighter.

"Uh, Hunter should be waking up within the next hour or so, you can go in and see her. She's doing fine." She smiled, and I exhaled, relieved. "Unfortunately, she did break her ankle during the fall, although that depends on how you look at it, I mean, it also saved her life life."

"Okay." Kevin nodded.

"When she wakes up, we'd like to have her have an MRI. Considering the fall knocked her out, we need to see if she's concussed."

"Alright, which room?" I asked.

"Oh, 207, just down the hall to your left." She smiled, and Kevin and I walked down to her room.

Hunter was laying in a bed, and I noticed a few bruises on her arms and one on her cheek. I frowned a bit, and walked over to the bed.

"Mrs. Alvarez, I'm going to have to ask you to walk away from your daughter." I looked up to see a doctor standing in the room.

"Huh? Why? Where are these from?" I asked.

"That's what I need to talk to you about." He said, "can you come out into the hall?"

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