Group Home AU (part three)

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I was happily sitting by my husband on the plane, as it landed in New York City. Gerry had fallen asleep, and was balancing his head on my shoulder.

"Wake up, hun." I said, nudging him a little bit.

"Huh, oh, hey, we landed?" He asked, his voice thick.

"Mmhm." I nodded, smiling a little bit.

"Okay." He smiled back, and stood up.

It seemed like an hour before Gerry and I were standing outside the airport, hailing down a cab. One stopped for us, and the driver got our bags in the back.


Quite soon, we were in our small hotel room, and I was smiling, my head on Gerrys chest and my eyes closed, resting peacefully.

"Hey, can you go pick up some groceries?" He asked, and I looked up at my spouse oddly.

"Can't we just do room service?" I questioned, "we're on vacation, I don't want to go grocery shopping."

"It's cheaper, and we blew a lot of money on this trip." He added.

"You're right." I sighed, and pushed myself up from the soft hotel bed. "I'll get dressed."

"Thanks Kid." Gerry smiled up at me, as I pulled a pair of jeans on.

"Mmhm." I nodded, grabbing my wallet from the desk.

"I'll text you what I want."

"Kay." I mumbled, and left the hotel room in a bit of a huff. I walked out into the lobby and went up to the front desk.

"Can I help you?" The lady asked and I smiled.

"Um, where's the nearest grocery store?" I asked, uncomfortable.

"Oh, yeah, two blocks down, on 88th." She smiled at me.


"Of course." The woman nodded, and I slipped out of the hotel, and started walking down, eyeing the street signs carefully. Once I got in the grocery store on 88th, I texted my husband.

I'm here, what do you need?

I waited for a second, and didn't get a reply, so I wandered around the store a little, looking for something I may like.

Ten minutes had gone by, and Gerry still hadn't texted me back, and I was consistently checking my phone.

The store closes in 15. Please text me back.

"Do you need help?" Someone asked, and I looked up to see a guy around my age.

"Oh, no. My husband just won't text me our grocery list." I mumbled, refreshing my texts. "Screw it, I'll just get a few things." I sighed.

"It's 9:45. Why is the grocery shopping happening now?"

"Ask my husband." I laughed, "we were in bed, and then out of the blue he asked me to pick up a few things."

"That's, I mean, okay." He chuckled a little.

"And we're on vacation." I added.

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