Abi/Kev - BPD

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"Are you sure you'll be okay if I go to work?" Kevin asked me, while he was changing for work.

"Mmhm." I nodded, "Hunter can go to my parents house." I said, looking at our sleeping daughter. She fell asleep in our bed last night, and was still softly snoring, snuggled in the comforter.

"Okay, well, I'll drop her off, it's on my way." He came over to me, and pecked my lips. He scooped Hunter up, waking her in the process.

"Morning Daddy." She whispered.

"Morning my little one." I smiled at her, "you're gonna spend the day with your abuelos!"

"¡Abuelos!" She giggled, "pero, pero Mama." She whined, as they started to leave the room.

"Lo siento, amante, ¡te amo!" I called to her.

"Okay, love you too." Hunter sighed, and I sunk back into bed.

A couple minutes later, Kevin came back into our bedroom, and sat on the edge of our bed.

"Take your meds, be happy, have a good day, Love." He kissed the top of my head. "I'll see you tonight."

"I'll see you tonight, Kev." I sat up a little and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled, "I gotta go, bye sweetest." He stood up and left the apartment with our daughter.


I didn't take my meds, I felt like I didn't deserve it, no matter what I did, my past still found me. (T: Okay, i'm about ready to kill luke, anyone wanna come help?) On the bright side, my day turned around. I was finishing dinner when I heard Kevin's keys in the door.

"Bunny? I'm home! You okay?" He called into the apartment.

"Yep! Come here sweetheart!" I turned the stove off, and ran over to him. "Hi." I giggled, jumping up on him.

"Oh! Hi there." He seemed confused, "baby you... are you feeling okay?"

"Of course, now, I made dinner, and I thought we could have a nice dinner together, then watch a movie."

"Awe, I'd love to." He smiled.

"Okay, sit down, I'm just gonna go change." I pointed to the neatly set table.

"Why? You look fine."

"I bought a new dress!" I smiled, "actually, I cleaned the apartment, ran a couple errands, got some new clothes for Hunter, and lingerie for us." I smiled, and gently kissed his jaw.

"Us? For us?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Mmhm, well, for me to wear, but, well, is it really for me?" I asked, wrapping my arms around my husbands neck.

"What's going on, honey?" He asked.

"Nothing, just, thought we'd have fun tonight." I pecked his lips, and ran into our room. I changed into a little black dress, both the dresses black spaghetti straps and the red lacy ones from my bra were showing, as I left my room.

"Awe, my little sweetheart, you look lovely." Kevin smiled from the table. He was still in his scrubs, with a large gray cardigan sweater over them.

"Thanks." I smiled back, and grabbed two plates from the kitchen. I set his in front of him, and sat across from him, smiling brightly.

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