Kevin - Voicemail

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Hey! This was (yet again) written by DaniaDewese ITS SO CUTE DEAR LORD AWWW. I hope you guys really like it!



Message One:

Kevin it's Abi. Yeah I forgot that I had a mini-date with Seb tonight. Can he tag along with us? He loves hanging out with you. I promise that I will do better at planning. Oh and yeah I have our tickets to see Phantom of the Opera. I love you!

Message Two:

Kevin hey it's me! Yeah I know what I said but dude I'm sorry okay. Listen we gotta get this project done for Lab so call me when you can. I never meant to put Abi down, I had no idea she had been through so much. Anyway call me with time and place. -Abe


Message Three:

KEVIN ANSWER YOUR PHONE. Oops sorry didn't mean to yell but it's so loud outside the theater tonight. Anyway V and I were wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner tomorrow night. I know you and Abi are out tonight but V and I need to talk. NO DAVEED I AM NOT...oops sorry again. Anyway call me back if you can make it. -Lin

10 Saved Messages

Message One:

Kevin Alvarez you call your mother right now! I swear if you've forgotten to pay your rent I will...okay nevermind your mom's got this. Just call me later as we need to talk about getting together with Abi's parents. I really like Lin and Vanessa. -Dad

Message Two:

KEVIN it's mom! I got a bill sent to the house by mistake. It's something about your rent and that it's past due. Is this one of those scam things? Anywho I love you and call me when you can. -Mom

Message Three:

Kevin...Kevin...Kevin...Kev....Give me the phone Seb. Seb give sissy the phone right don't push... -Abi

Message Four:

I bored...Sissy busy...Kevin come play please...gotta go Sissy coming -Abi

Message Five:

Hey Kevin it's know Abi's dad. Anyway I called to see if you wanted to hang out with me and guys. I know your busy with school and all but a kid needs a break right? So yeah call me when you get this. -Lin

Message Six:

Hey! I just finished Tech rehearsal and I have a few minutes. I guess you must be on rounds or something. Anyway so Lilia the understudy told me that we might have an opening and I could be moving up in the company. I'm not sure if I like that or not, I mean I want a starring role. We'll talk more about this tomorrow and no dad doesn't know...yet. I love you! -Abi

Message Seven:

YO! Old man Miranda here! Look I gotta know if you plan on asking for Abi's hand in marriage dude! NO don't take that..OAK give me that back right now! No OAK I ain't drunk, give me it back NOW! I need to get this message to Kevin so he knows that Abi and he are perfect. Oh wait crap this is still recording. So yeah Kevin I expect you to propose to Abi NOW! Anyway OMM OUT

Message eight:

So yeah about that message, I was kinda crazy. I do expect you to propose to Abi someday, but it doesn't have to be this minute. Oak was trying to take away the phone and that's why I said that. Then he tried to take away my WATER bottle. So yeah anyway come over for dinner soon. V, Seb, and I miss seeing you...I know Abi does! -Lin

Message Nine:

So yeah Kevin this is Abe. You know from your anatomy class. Listen we were supposed to pick partners today and you weren't there. So I'm one of your partners. Kelvin is our other partner. So we should meet this weekend if your available. Oh wait you have a kid don't you? Well can your girl watch her?

Message Ten:

Hey love! So yeah I need you to pick up Seb from school and take him to my parents place. I have to work really late or I would. There's food in the fridge but you can order pizza. Just make sure Seb eats ALL his food BEFORE dessert. No giving into his puppy dog eyes tonight. YOU HEAR ME KEV...NO SUPPER NO DESSERT TONIGHT!!! Anyway I love you very much. I will see you later. - Bunny

Is this not just the cutest thing ever!!! I love it...

I'm about to update the What If... things? So, yay for me being a decent author.

I can do this. Yay.

Thanks for reading!!

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